10 smartest reasons to choose art

on my blog last week, I asked you what you would do if you won the stencil or stamp. Your stories were so interesting I just had to share a few here! Your answers shined a spotlight on why art is important and matters.. Thank YOU for inspiring me!

1. Art adds to memories...

"I was looking through my boxes of old stuff...boxes we have lugged for decades... and discovered a moving announcement I made 23 years ago before my husband and I moved to England. I had stenciled a border, then used stamps of the USA and Europe to explain where we were going and the distance of the journey. And my stencil and stamps were also in the box! What a fun walk down memory lane and now I have re-discovered my supplies which can be used in new works." ~Natasha

2. Art connects the generations

"About 10 years ago, my daughter-in-law introduced me to scrapbooking. It was my lifeline during the final years of my parents lives and enabled my oldest sister and I to connect in a very special way

My sister and children and I have "plans" for a future that will not only allow, but encourage an environment of creativity and passing on the various crafts we practice to the next generation.
So for now, I am in dream and plan mode, while learning all I can about mixed media and trying to figure out if / how I can turn this interest into the focus of the rest of my life. This is a challenge because I've never learned to "draw" so at this point am experimenting with collage and other mixed media techniques. Just discovering which products I like is a daunting task. But, I'm truly enjoying the exploring.
Again, thank you for all you do. I'm learning a lot, and enjoying seeing your art work." ~ Theresa

art by Miraim Schulman for sale on etsy

3. Art brings joy

"My parents always discouraged me making art because they told me to study something that I could "make a living with." So, unfortunately, I got a very late start and then hit a wall for years. I stopped drawing and painting for nearly 15 years...now I'm back at it thanks to you, your encouragement, and the lessons I've taken from you. I had never even experimented with watercolor before I took your classes, and now I'm off and running hoping that I will never stop making art again. It brings me so much joy!!"~ Deb

4. Art teaches courage

coloring page by Miriam Schulman
"I thank you for posting the video of "Yes and...." The stencil....I would love it or use with students who come into the studio and are fearful of expressing themselves. Stencils are a great lift off point for them. Love your emails!~Tina

5. Art helps us escape everyday life

"I have been spending most of my evenings watching art videos, they are inspiring and a whole lot more positive than the news, so many amazing artists just like yourself...Cheers to you and love your art work.... so inspiring and fresh!" ~ Linda

6. Art comforts

"Every year my 14 year old daughter, her volleyball friends, and I get together to make holiday cards for the elderly in nursing homes in the Houston metroplex. Volunteer Houston, who coordinates the project, collects and distributes them on Christmas Day. Our goal is always to make the prettiest and most uplifting cards we possibly can because sadly for many of these ladies and gentlemen, our cards are the only thing they will receive during the holidays.

Check out Volunteer Houston. Anyone reading this, check in your area about doing this, if you can't find a group doing this you can start your own. It's a lot of fun and makes you think of those who will be thrilled to be receiving a card, and it's from you!"~ Laura P.

art journal page by Miriam Schulman

7. Art is ageless

"At 70 years of age, I figured my time was running out so I got myself a pencil, actually 3 pencils, and some drawing pads and set to work teaching me to draw. These last 3 years have turned out to be the happiest years I've ever spent."~ Betty

8. Art helps us let go of perfectionism

"I have a long held desire to create an art - travel - inspirational travel quotes journal in a recycled atlas predominantly done in pen and ink where I can explore lettering and pattern. I have lots of quotes collected on Pinterest, my latest favourite quote for this project is 'You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop' (Rumi) - There has to be a big blue watery ocean map in that atlas

I need to clear out a corner of the studio space so I can set out and see the pile of stuff for this project every day.......you now know I am letting perfectionism intimidate me into prolonged procrastination" ~Kim

9. Art dreams inspires action

art journal ideas | art journal pages | get art journal inspiration → https://schulmanart.leadpages.net/freeartjournalclass/
claim your FREE art journal ebook! →download now
"Just wanted to let you know that I spent yesterday afternoon up in my craft room. I was inspired by your work and your ebook.

You made me see something that was right in front of my face. Not knowing where to start, I often just don’t even get up into my craft room. After reading and watching some of the videos on your blog, I realized that I should be up in my craft room making backgrounds, if nothing else. I know that if I did this it would spark some inspiration. I love going thru my stash of papers to see what jumps out at me.

Yesterday, I decided to do some water color backgrounds, and while those pages were drying in one journal, I went back to another of my journals to an unfinished page and worked on it. SUCCESS. I was pleased with what I accomplished.

Thank you for the inspiration!!!!! I also enjoyed your interview with Jessica Sporn."~Mary

10. Art wants to be made {and needs us to create it}

"I use stencils in my backgrounds to "see" what the painting "wants to be". I start off with only an idea that I will end up with a floral painting, or landscape or a portrait and paint intuitively and the stencils are a big part of my work.

Have been enjoying the "Artist Chats" and your newsletters.

Feels like we are friends

I create every day and so happy to connect this way with others and with you"~ Claire

The Free “Artist Chats” Video Interview Series

You won't want to miss any of the “Artist Chats” I recorded with the Handcrafted Holidays teaching team. The conversations we had and the information we discussed during these interviews to prepare for the class ended up being so incredible, I decided to create a FREE video series so that everyone could benefit from their unique stories and insights. This series of interviews is called “artist chats” and will be posted on the blog throughout September and October so be sure to add that to your “must see TV” list. (sign up here)

Plus make sure you didn't miss my Interview with Jessica Sporn : The Power of Yes

About Me (Miriam Schulman)

Miriam Schulman, founder of The Inspiration Place
In case we haven’t met yet, I’m a watercolor and mixed media artist. My art has been featured in numerous publications such as Somerset Studio, and I’m the founder of The Inspiration Place  where I give my students stepping stones to create beautiful art as well as the emotional support they need to stay inspired.