5 van Gogh Lessons Every Art Lover Should know

van gogh http://schulmanart.blogspot.com/2015/09/5-van-gogh-lessons-every-art-lover.html
The summer 2015, I took a trip of a lifetime to Amsterdam. One of the highlights of the trip was the van Gogh museum. Being an art history major, a self-proclaimed museum expert and a professional artist, I thought I knew all there was about van Gogh.

Boy was I wrong! Here are 5 new things I learned about van Gogh.. test yourself and see if you knew them too.

How much do you know about van Gogh-- make sure you know these 5 art lessons about van Gogh that every art lover should know.

van Gogh and the Power of Affirmations

I have been binging on "self-help" and "success-strategy" books and
audiobooks. One audio that I brought with me for traveling is Jack Canfield's Success Principles. I love the audio book so much I will probably go ahead and get the hardcover book for my library.
Anyway-- one thing that he ( and all the other success strategy gurus recommend is to use the power of affirmations.  While I was roaming the Van Gogh museum I made the connection between this van Gogh quote and realized that van Gogh used the power of affirmations to give him confidence in his art. You can see the full quote and read about how I use the power of affirmations in this blog post: I am...

van Gogh back in the states

van gogh http://schulmanart.blogspot.com/2015/09/5-van-gogh-lessons-every-art-lover.html
van Gogh is always a sure thing for museum curators so you can see him and his art for the next few days in NYC and there is an exhibit coming to the Clark in Williamstown, MA too. My husband says he doesn't want to drive two hours to see more van Goghs since we just saw him in Amsterdam. But I had to remind him that it was a seven hour plane ride..( I don't think I am going to win this argument)

Anyway-- check out this blog post to learn what's so special about the van Gogh exhibit at the Met-- if you love van gogh, you will love this blog post!
>> get inspiration from van gogh
I always thought it was van Gogh's brother Theo, the art dealer,  who made a success of him after his death. Did you know that Theo died just 6 months after Vincent and it was actually Theo's wife, Jo,  who successfully promoted the collection and made van Gogh a star?

It was their son, also named Vincent, who later founded and built the van Gogh museum.
Apparently I have been pronouncing van Gogh wrong all these
years-- I though it was "Go" but in the audio guides the
English speaker pronounced it to rhyme with "cough."


PS I am working on a Mixed Media course for the fall so I can spill all my secrets for creating artworks that everyone has been going mad over on my facebook page. If you haven't already, take the survey so you can tell me what you want to know about mixed media. Everyone who takes the survey will be entered to win complimentary access to the class.

Miriam Schulman embraces her creative life with wholeheartedness in Scarsdale, New York. Schulman studied art history at Dartmouth College and abandoned a hedge fund career to work on her art full time. Her watercolor and mixed media paintings have been seen on NBC, published in art magazines and home decor books. In addition, the Hudson River Museum and Katonah Museum of Art carry her artistic accessories in their gift shops. She has been published in art magazines such as Art of Man and most recently in Somerset Studio. Explore her art at www.SchulmanArt.com or take a class at TheInspirationPlace.net