7 Daily Creative Habits for increased focus and productivity

how to focus | how to be productive | art studio practice | productive artist http://schulmanart.blogspot.com/2017/03/7-daily-creative-habits-for-increased.html

How I stay productive and focused in the art studio

Over the next few blog posts, I'm going to be sharing a series personal productivity tips that I use in my studio practice to stay organized and focused.

Here is an overview of that practice. If your goal this year is to get more organized and focused, tune in for the full series and add these creative habits to your life for increased focus and productivity!

1. Meditate 
In this blog post, How Meditation Keeps me Focused in the Art Studio, I am going to be sharing with you the details of my meditation practice. What has worked for me and why.
2. Exercise  
It is no secret that exercise is key to quieting the mind. In this blog post, I'll be sharing with you what I do and how that helps me (How to Find The Time To “Do It All”)
3. Daily Journal Practice ( aka morning pages)
Many artists and creatives do "morning pages." In this blog post, I'll be sharing what is working for me right now and how the rest of my family has also embraced writing in a journal. (How to Develop a Daily Journal)
4. Work in a series
Working on more than one piece at a time, and working with imagery that becomes thematic, I find working in multiples makes my time in the studio most productive. Hop on over to get an Insiders' Look at the Creative Process
5. Plan and Review: daily, weekly and monthly
Planning is essential to creative living. In this blog post, I'll take you behind the scenes to show you what my planner looks like and how I maintain a planning process for maximum creativity. (How Planning Keeps Me Productive in the Art Studio)
6. File, File, File
Oh, this doesn't have to be boring. What would a productivity system be without a filing system. Want to copy mine? I'll be sharing my filing system in this blog post.(coming soon)

7. Embrace Technology
I don't rely on my memory for managing my to-do lists. Although I love brainstorming with paper and pen, technology is key to staying productive in an online world. I'll be sharing my favorite productivity tools in this post. (coming soon)

Don't rely on your Memory Either!

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In case we haven't met yet...

About Me (Miriam Schulman)
Miriam Schulman, founder of The Inspiration Place

In case we haven’t met yet, I’m a watercolor and mixed media artist. My art has been featured in numerous publications such as Somerset Studio, and I’m the founder of The Inspiration Place  where I give my students stepping stones to create beautiful art as well as the emotional support they need to stay inspired. See the art I create at schulmanArt.com or learn how to paint with me at TheInspirationPlace.net

PS You may have noticed that I have turned commenting OFF on my blog.
That is because most blogs, even very popular ones, do not receive many comments and I wanted to switch the focus from begging for comments to helping you.

However, I AM interested in continuing the conversation which is why I started a FREE Inspiration Place community on facebook. Please join us!!