A Week of Change and Reflection
Goodness it has been a week for the books. The fall semester at the college started this week so I have been adjusting to the new schedule. It has been chaotic to say the least! So here is the drill - Pick the card that you are drawn to and then keep reading for the reveal to see what your card of choice has to say.
So you have your card all picked out? Excellent! Now let's see what the cards have to say shall we?
Card #1: 3 of Coins
Are you getting along with your co-workers as you put together the big project? Has someone turned to you to ensure that a job will get done? Is there a task at hand that you know will be completed on time and as perfect as humanly possible? Have you realized lately that you are the best person for a certain job? When an organized approach is needed, have you been getting the call? Is your partner allowing you room to be yourself because you bring so much to the relationship? The Three of Pentacles is a card that would indicate all of these and more issues associated with competency and hitting your stride. This card bodes well for a project in which you are currently enmeshed. This is especially comforting if you are unsure of how you are being received or not comfortable working with certain people. This card appearing in your reading demands that you simply display your expertise and the drama will fade, the unqualified will be dismissed and the goal that is in place for all of you will be accomplished. If there is a downside here it may be in your expectations for getting credit. While everyone involved may be acknowledged, the Three of Pentacles in the present position is a card that privileges the group over individual accomplishments. Unless you are standing out and saving a project because of a great organizational skill or a superior competency, do not go into things looking for reams of credit for your efforts.
Card #2: The Tower
Has a big change of plans occurred? Are you getting a Tarot reading because some unexpected event has completely changed your life? Has your world turned upside down? Was a steady part of your life recently destabilized in dramatic fashion? Is change happening too quickly for you to hold on to something? If so, the tower is influencing events and has appeared in your Tarot reading. This card is the Tarot's way of acknowledging that the rapid transformation occurring in your world is due to forces beyond your control. Be it a stirring of Mother Nature or the impact of someone else's economic decisions on your life, understand that these are circumstances with which you had little if any influence over. Anything goes with this card. Relationships, jobs, financial circumstances … any situation could be affected. The chaos unleashed by The Tower in this position usually affects one area of your life, but the affects are thorough. You may lose a job, but your love relationship will grow stronger as a result. You might get dumped, but you will get an easier work schedule that boosts your pay. Juxtapositions of absence/abundance are inevitable.
Card #3: The Moon
Have you discovered an unfamiliar yet beautiful new reality? Are you feeling disconnected to the values and traditions with which you were brought up? Is an alienation from the norm creeping into your life? Have you been talked into something that only last year you would have considered preposterous? Are you aimless in your goals and ambition? Has an artistically inspired streak of creativity suddenly appeared out of nowhere? All of these brooding outsider tendencies call forth The Moon card from the Tarot deck when you seek a reading to show you the way. You may be getting so many mixed signals from the outside world that your turning to a Tarot reading is a seeking of some clarity, some answer to all the confusion. The world around you may be different and the structures that have long comforted you are suddenly absent. The temptations of alcohol, drugs, meaningless pleasure seeking, gambling and other escapes from reality are all too real. The Moon represents falling out of touch with reality. However, it also represents a chance to better yourself by not believing in the false assumptions that we all agree to within societal norms. Instead of following the path that you are told will get you somewhere (the path that has at present left you lost), The Moon signals your opportunity to create your own structures; a life from your own imagination and design.
Card #4: Hanging Man
Is he in danger? Did he put himself there? How did The Hanged Man get so tangled up? If you are receiving a Tarot reading, The Hanged Man card is a strong message from the universe that the option of surrendering is always open to you. It might, in fact, be the quickest way to a complete and total victory. You are being urged to avoid conflict. Sometimes an enemy so dearly wants a fight that the way to defeat this person is to deny him or her that one thing that is most deeply desired. To withhold the confrontation is to be the winner in these situations.
Were we spot on? A single card can give you a great snapshot, but if you want a more in depth answer consider a full reading with us!
Are you getting along with your co-workers as you put together the big project? Has someone turned to you to ensure that a job will get done? Is there a task at hand that you know will be completed on time and as perfect as humanly possible? Have you realized lately that you are the best person for a certain job? When an organized approach is needed, have you been getting the call? Is your partner allowing you room to be yourself because you bring so much to the relationship? The Three of Pentacles is a card that would indicate all of these and more issues associated with competency and hitting your stride. This card bodes well for a project in which you are currently enmeshed. This is especially comforting if you are unsure of how you are being received or not comfortable working with certain people. This card appearing in your reading demands that you simply display your expertise and the drama will fade, the unqualified will be dismissed and the goal that is in place for all of you will be accomplished. If there is a downside here it may be in your expectations for getting credit. While everyone involved may be acknowledged, the Three of Pentacles in the present position is a card that privileges the group over individual accomplishments. Unless you are standing out and saving a project because of a great organizational skill or a superior competency, do not go into things looking for reams of credit for your efforts.
Card #2: The Tower
Has a big change of plans occurred? Are you getting a Tarot reading because some unexpected event has completely changed your life? Has your world turned upside down? Was a steady part of your life recently destabilized in dramatic fashion? Is change happening too quickly for you to hold on to something? If so, the tower is influencing events and has appeared in your Tarot reading. This card is the Tarot's way of acknowledging that the rapid transformation occurring in your world is due to forces beyond your control. Be it a stirring of Mother Nature or the impact of someone else's economic decisions on your life, understand that these are circumstances with which you had little if any influence over. Anything goes with this card. Relationships, jobs, financial circumstances … any situation could be affected. The chaos unleashed by The Tower in this position usually affects one area of your life, but the affects are thorough. You may lose a job, but your love relationship will grow stronger as a result. You might get dumped, but you will get an easier work schedule that boosts your pay. Juxtapositions of absence/abundance are inevitable.
Card #3: The Moon
Have you discovered an unfamiliar yet beautiful new reality? Are you feeling disconnected to the values and traditions with which you were brought up? Is an alienation from the norm creeping into your life? Have you been talked into something that only last year you would have considered preposterous? Are you aimless in your goals and ambition? Has an artistically inspired streak of creativity suddenly appeared out of nowhere? All of these brooding outsider tendencies call forth The Moon card from the Tarot deck when you seek a reading to show you the way. You may be getting so many mixed signals from the outside world that your turning to a Tarot reading is a seeking of some clarity, some answer to all the confusion. The world around you may be different and the structures that have long comforted you are suddenly absent. The temptations of alcohol, drugs, meaningless pleasure seeking, gambling and other escapes from reality are all too real. The Moon represents falling out of touch with reality. However, it also represents a chance to better yourself by not believing in the false assumptions that we all agree to within societal norms. Instead of following the path that you are told will get you somewhere (the path that has at present left you lost), The Moon signals your opportunity to create your own structures; a life from your own imagination and design.
Card #4: Hanging Man
Is he in danger? Did he put himself there? How did The Hanged Man get so tangled up? If you are receiving a Tarot reading, The Hanged Man card is a strong message from the universe that the option of surrendering is always open to you. It might, in fact, be the quickest way to a complete and total victory. You are being urged to avoid conflict. Sometimes an enemy so dearly wants a fight that the way to defeat this person is to deny him or her that one thing that is most deeply desired. To withhold the confrontation is to be the winner in these situations.
Were we spot on? A single card can give you a great snapshot, but if you want a more in depth answer consider a full reading with us!