ANother Brain Peek ~ 10 More Questions Answered
Here it is, week two of our confessions. Last week we answered 10 questions about our personal thoughts about how we read and feel about things. Ready for another 10 questions answered? Here we go!
11. What spread do you use most often/prefer and why?
Each reader has a spread they love and use all the time. Most of the readers I know swear by the Celtic Cross - I hate it! Its overly complicated and sometimes it is just too much for a client to digest. I prefer to use one of two spreads, depending on the complexity of the question. A three card spread is the one I use most, because it gives a great snapshot of the situation.
12. Have you ever created your own spread? If so, how effective is it?
I had a lot of clients that were asking for help rebuilding their lives after bad breakups, personal tragedy, etc... I developed the Rebuilding the Temple spread - which was very effective in helping them get their lives back on track.
11. What spread do you use most often/prefer and why?
Each reader has a spread they love and use all the time. Most of the readers I know swear by the Celtic Cross - I hate it! Its overly complicated and sometimes it is just too much for a client to digest. I prefer to use one of two spreads, depending on the complexity of the question. A three card spread is the one I use most, because it gives a great snapshot of the situation.
12. Have you ever created your own spread? If so, how effective is it?
I had a lot of clients that were asking for help rebuilding their lives after bad breakups, personal tragedy, etc... I developed the Rebuilding the Temple spread - which was very effective in helping them get their lives back on track.
13. Is there a card that stumps you when it is drawn? Why do you think that is?
If a tarot reader ever tells you that there isn't a card that stumps them, or evokes panic momentarily then they are lying to you! For me, everytime the Hierophant appears I am like "oh, crap - not you again!" It makes me freeze and my mind goes blank for a few seconds. So deep breath, and then relax. I think it my strong dislike of organized religion that makes me panic. I was one of those people who lived in a strict religious household that was very oppressive, so reminders of that tend to freeze me up.
14. For what purposes do you usually use tarot?
I use the tarot to read for others - very rarely will I read for myself. I tend to find that I when I read for myself I tend to try and make the cards fit the answer that I want, rather then the message I need to hear.
15. How much emphasis do you put on the textbook meanings of the cards? Do you tend to go more with the "feeling" you get from the card - or both?
Trust me, the keywords and textbook meanings are important. But no good reading just spits those words at you. It is every bit as important, if not more so in my opinion to go with how the card makes you feel - and how it relates to the cards around it.Â
16. Do you ever use the Major Arcan without the minor or vise versa?
If I am doing a Yes/No spread then I will use the major arcana only. I have never used only the minor arcana - not sure I see the point of that one...
17. Do you read using reversals? Why or why not?
I'm not against reading reversals - it's not like I am one of those people who refuses. I just tend to read upright 99% of the time. It just seems to work better with the clients that I have.
18. Do you feel a connection to your cards?
Absolutely! In fact I have gotten rid of decks because I didn't feel a connection to them. I find that when you don't have that connection that your readings with that deck will tend to fall a little flat. When you really have that spark with your deck it adds great dimension!
19. Do you feel like the cards "think" - what makes them tick?
I don't know about thinking, but I do feel like the cards have a spirit to them. I purchased a deck of New Orleans Voodoo Tarot cards and immediately upon touching them got an almost electric shock up my arm... def signs of life there! I feel like sometimes if I am not focusing that then deck reveals cards that practically scream for attention, or if I am deep in the reading then the cards pull out even deeper meanings - so I think they "know" when you are open and when you aren't.
20. Do you ever read for yourself/others?
This is sort of a silly question for them to have included. If I didn't read for others I wouldn't be here would I? LOL I do read for myself on very rare occassions, and I do read for others, but almost never for my family. I know too much about them I think to stay objective.
If a tarot reader ever tells you that there isn't a card that stumps them, or evokes panic momentarily then they are lying to you! For me, everytime the Hierophant appears I am like "oh, crap - not you again!" It makes me freeze and my mind goes blank for a few seconds. So deep breath, and then relax. I think it my strong dislike of organized religion that makes me panic. I was one of those people who lived in a strict religious household that was very oppressive, so reminders of that tend to freeze me up.
14. For what purposes do you usually use tarot?
I use the tarot to read for others - very rarely will I read for myself. I tend to find that I when I read for myself I tend to try and make the cards fit the answer that I want, rather then the message I need to hear.
15. How much emphasis do you put on the textbook meanings of the cards? Do you tend to go more with the "feeling" you get from the card - or both?
Trust me, the keywords and textbook meanings are important. But no good reading just spits those words at you. It is every bit as important, if not more so in my opinion to go with how the card makes you feel - and how it relates to the cards around it.Â
16. Do you ever use the Major Arcan without the minor or vise versa?
If I am doing a Yes/No spread then I will use the major arcana only. I have never used only the minor arcana - not sure I see the point of that one...
17. Do you read using reversals? Why or why not?
I'm not against reading reversals - it's not like I am one of those people who refuses. I just tend to read upright 99% of the time. It just seems to work better with the clients that I have.
18. Do you feel a connection to your cards?
Absolutely! In fact I have gotten rid of decks because I didn't feel a connection to them. I find that when you don't have that connection that your readings with that deck will tend to fall a little flat. When you really have that spark with your deck it adds great dimension!
19. Do you feel like the cards "think" - what makes them tick?
I don't know about thinking, but I do feel like the cards have a spirit to them. I purchased a deck of New Orleans Voodoo Tarot cards and immediately upon touching them got an almost electric shock up my arm... def signs of life there! I feel like sometimes if I am not focusing that then deck reveals cards that practically scream for attention, or if I am deep in the reading then the cards pull out even deeper meanings - so I think they "know" when you are open and when you aren't.
20. Do you ever read for yourself/others?
This is sort of a silly question for them to have included. If I didn't read for others I wouldn't be here would I? LOL I do read for myself on very rare occassions, and I do read for others, but almost never for my family. I know too much about them I think to stay objective.
So there you have it - 10 more questions answered. Be sure to join us next Saturday when we answer the last ten on the list. Is there a question YOU would like to see us answer? Le us know and we will add it to the list!