art journal ideas: create a personal mantra

art journal ideas: develop a personal mantra

A great way to keep yourself on track with your goal setting is to develop a personal mantra. In this art blog, I share how I created a personal mantra using my art journal.

For the last two years I have been choosing a word of the year as my one word mantra. This year, I decided to take it one step further and incorporate my word theme into a personal mantra.
In order to facilitate this process, I looked online for quotes incorporating my "one little word", purpose. (see blog post 2015: A Year of Purpose) One of my favorite go-to quote sites is I love it because you can search for words or themes to find the perfect quote.

The first few quotes I found were good but not perfect. I put them in my art journal anyway...
art journal ideas: develop a personal mantra

Tweet: the purpose of life is a life of purpose~Robert Byrne via @schulmanArt
Tweet: the purpose of life is a life of purpose~Robert Byrne 
via @schulmanArt

art journal ideas: develop a personal mantra

Tweet: begin each day as if it were on purpose~Mary Anne Radmacher via @schulmanArt

Tweet: begin each day as if it were on purpose~Mary Anne Radmacher via @schulmanArt

My morning mantra: Begin each day with a sense of purpose

Finally, I made up my on mantra: Begin each day with a sense of purpose.
When I am lying around in my bed randomly clicking on my iphone I forcibly remind myself that that activity has no purpose and I repeat to myself "Begin each day with a sense of purpose" this gets me out of bed and started on my day.

Tweet: Begin each day with a sense a purpose via @schulmanArt #artjournal ideas: develop a personal mantra >>

Begin each day with a sense of purpose

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Do you have a word of the year? 

Do you have a personal mantra that helps? 

Share your personal mantra with me by leaving a comment!