Art Journal Prompt: I am...

... an artist... by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

Looking for self-discovery or clarity? Keeping a journal or an art journal is an excellent way to pass the time without an electronic device and also connect with yourself. This art journal prompt idea is adapted from Ali Edwards "One Little Word" ecourse.

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artist Miriam Schulman
Please don't call my art journal a coloring book!

Art Journal Prompt: I am

In this prompt you will start off with the phrase "I am" and then complete the sentence to meditate on who you are right now. The answer could be a series of adjectives that describe yourself or you can even do complete sentences. For example, " I am ...looking forward to the end of school." {I am not in school, but as any parent will tell you the school year starts to drain on us parents too. We get tired of supervising the homework, the carpools and then there are the ceaseless "end of year" events. I couldn't even tell you how many concerts I have to go to at the end of each year between my two children. May and June always feel like we have reached the end of a marathon. In my neck of the woods, the school year doesn't end until the end of June.}
art journal ideas
You can always add additional doodling to your art journal pages! Find my favorite art journal pens here.



My Art Journal Pages

Usually, when I do these exercises, I will free write on a separate paper-- or even the same art journal page and then the handwriting adds a dimensional layer of texture. For this one, I was playing with the idea of striving and seeking and never being satisfied. By coincidence (or not, if you don't believe in coincidences... perhaps it was the law of attraction) The art quote I had scheduled on my twitter and facebook page on the day I was working on this exercise read:
art journal pages
The first part of the art journal page starts with a Van Gogh inspirational quote:
Collect the Quote Art

I am seeking, 
I am striving, 
I am in it with all my heart. 
~ Van Gogh

Since the first two sentiments correlated exactly with my frame of mind, I decided to include the entire quote in my journal. For this part I used the letter transfers. Unfortunately, after I put in the quote I realized I was out of "t's" and also "m's" so I had to finish my art journal with a different font... my own hand writing. I always think that art journals look better when you see the artist's hand anyway. I worked on this art journal page during my son's wrestling match. ( you may have seen my post: Art Journaling on the go)

art journaling
Behind me is a HUGE 4x6" Peacock painting (commission) that I just started.

What I wrote...

Admit it... you want to know what I wrote, right? I mean when I check out artists' art journal pages I am really really nosy. I like looking to see if the single artists have been dating...are there clues to their love life. I try to read the partially obscured text.

I didn't want to be repetitive but I did want to highlight the features of myself that are positive...not merely because I knew I would be sharing my journal with the world, but I firmly believe that the thoughts that we tell ourselves become our reality. {so think positive thoughts}

The words on my art journal page:

I am seeking.
I am striving
I am in it with all my heart
I am ...
an artist.
I am a wrestling mom.
I am a music mom
funny, passionate, motivated, creative.