Art Market Research

So I am doing a little art market research and I wanted to share it with all my blog readers. As you may know, I teach online watercolor classes at the Inspiration Place and I decided to let my students help me choose the next project. I posted five different project ideas and I asked them, what do you want to learn? The poll will be open through September  25th, 2014. Then I will start filming the most popular class choice.  You can cast your vote too.

What do you want to learn? Let your voice be heard at the Inspiration Place


Watercolor Projects in the Lead

Right now, dragonflies and sunflowers are neck in neck in the popular vote with an even number of art enthusiasts voting for each. Which painting do you want to win? Here is a little more information about what I will be teaching in each watercolor course. If you are not a member yet of the Inspiration Place, membership is free.

Oh sunflowers-- 

Van gogh saw beauty in this flower that resembles an overgrown dandelion and so will you. Sunflowers are a great intermediate project for someone with a little bit of experience in watercolor and wants to create something luminous and fantastic. If this project wins the popular vote, I will be teaching how to capture the light on petals, to mix gorgeous greens and create a mysterious and harmonious background. Like this sample sunflower painting? I just listed it as a fine art print in my etsy shop available in your choice of sizes. click HERE to discover how easy it is to own your own watercolor print.

dragonfly art by #schulmanArt for sale

Dragonflies symbolize spirituality. 

Starting life out as an ugly beetle, the dragonfly metamorphose into another creature so they may soar to heavens. If this project wins the popular vote I will be teaching you how to draw the delicate dragonfly wings and explore advance techniques to create the swirls and texture in your watercolor paintings. Are you also an art collector? Take a peek at all the dragonfly art and accessories I have in my etsy shop. 

The dragonfly pendants are very popular right now as gifts to give ( and keep!)

So the poll asks what you want to learn-- but I also want to know... what art do you like better and why?