Artist Chats

handcrafted holidays 2016 teaching team
What started out many months ago as just a daydream about how to create a Handcrafted Holidays group class that would be different than any other art class I’ve seen online, is now about to become a reality. Let me tell you why I decided to put together this class.

Happy Creative Memories

Although I am Jewish and don’t have a Christmas tree in my own home, I have many happy memories creating holiday crafts in Girl Scouts. In addition, I have always loved beautiful art from around the world and the ornaments and traditions of holiday celebrations from multiple faiths.

For many years, I created ornaments for sale, and you have asked to learn how to create these mixed media wonders in an online class.

But rather than just offer a class in my ornaments, I wanted to offer a holiday art class that represented the variety in regional, religious and cultural holiday celebrations from across the world and for that I needed help.

A Little Help from my Friends

My first step was to contact talented artists whose artwork I admired and who represented a multicultural view of the holidays to join the class teaching team. The team includes artists from Mexico to Germany and across the country from the West Coast and Midwest as well as a few New Yorkers like myself.

The Free “Artist Chats” Video Interview Series

As part of our preparation for the class, I recorded interviews with each artist. The conversations we had and the information we discussed during these interviews ended up being so incredible, I decided to create a FREE video series so that everyone could benefit from their unique stories and insights. Many of these artists started their professional art journey after raising children or having other careers (just like you)! This series of interviews is called “artist chats” and will be posted on the blog throughout September and October so be sure to add that to your “must see TV” list. (sign up here)

Sign Up for the Free Video Series

There’s so much more to learn from the teaching team of the Handcrafted Holidays class from the FREE Artist Chats video series. They share a wealth of knowledge about their backgrounds, approach to art and current work, and offer valuable tips for every artist whether you are just starting out or pushing yourself to the next level. 

To make sure you don’t miss a single interview, sign up for the FREE video series featuring the Handcrafted Holidays Teaching Team today!

These bio snippets introduce each artist, so you know a bit about their backgrounds, but in order to fully embrace the energy and inspiration they offer, please sign up to receive notifications when their interviews go live, so you won’t miss a single one! 

Lets Introduce the Handcrafted Holidays Teaching Team!

The Handcrafted Holidays class is a labor of love, and I’m excited to share with you the talents of my co-teachers. 

About Me (Miriam Schulman)

Miriam Schulman, founder of The Inspiration Place
In case we haven’t met yet, I’m a watercolor and mixed media artist. My art has been featured in numerous publications such as Somerset Studio, and I'm the founder of The Inspiration Place  where I give my students stepping stones to create beautiful art as well as the emotional support they need to stay inspired.

I'll be your host for this free interview series.

Andrea Gomoll

I’ve always admired Andrea’s YouTube videos she shares from her studio in Germany. She’s very adventurous with her art. She’s happiest when her hands are covered in paint, ink and glue from art journaling, mixed media art and whimsical paintings. She’s been a full-time artist since 2009 and today she also is an art instructor, designer and wedding photographer.

In our interview we discuss social media promotion strategies, so if you are curious about how to promote your online business on social media, be sure not to miss this interview. In addition, Andrea gives away a free coloring page download.

Blenda Tyvoll
Blenda’s muse is Mother Nature. Her mixed media wall art is bright and joyful with beautiful flowers, birds, butterflies and more. During our interview we discuss strategies for selling on Etsy. So whether you have always been curious about opening an Etsy shop or have one and want to discover secrets to selling more art there, tune into this interview! Her early adoption and expertise on Etsy has broadened her artwork’s reach and given her numerous art licensing opportunities.

You will be able to download a free "Selling Art on etsy" cheat sheet!

Carolyn Dube

Carolyn and I met online when we were both 21 Secrets teachers and found ourselves travelling in the same online circles. I just love her infectious energy and exuberant personality. Carolyn’s mantra is “let’s play,” and her willingness to hush her inner critic to take advantage of Outstanding Opportunities Presenting Suddenly (O.O.P.S.) moments help her mixed media art and gelli prints come to life. She shares her talents on YouTube, artist retreats and in classes.

The project she’ll do in our class is a great opportunity to use up all the gelli prints that were past O.O.P.S. So, tune into the interview for the project reveal so you can find out what you have been saving all those gelli prints for! In addition, Carolyn is giving away a beautiful downloadable print !

Jane LaFazio
I met Jane last year at an artist conference in Denver, Colorado and have taught with her in other group online classes. From her home in San Diego, California, Jane truly believes she is living the life she was meant to live as a quilter, watercolor painter and mixed media artist as well as an art teacher and blogger. She’s known for her fun-loving, creative teaching style and international art retreats. 

In our interview we discussed how she came to teach painting travel trips. She shares secrets for painting on trips and you will be able to download a free illustrated guide for Jane's top places to paint around the world.

Jessica Sporn

Jessica is a self-taught mixed media artist who lives the life of her dreams as a full-time professional artist. Her approach to art has roots in her theater background, and today she designs stencils and stamps, offers online classes, hosts a MeetUp Group and has licensing deals with several greeting card companies. In the interview, Jessica shares how her theater background influences her art. Jessica is one of the few artists who is able to infuse her spiritual mixed media art with visual references to Judaism, and I am delighted to have Jessica as part of the Handcrafted Holidays team.

Don't miss her interview as you will have a chance to enter to win a stamp or stencil from Jessica.

Joanne Sharpe

As an award-winning author and “whimsical art maker,” Joanne’s mixed media art is colorful and playful. She has a passion for art journaling, lettering, doodling and illustration. She teaches others through online classes and in-person workshops. For the last two decades, she has licensed her art to the craft, fabric and gift-ware markets.

In our interview, we share our joys of reading (from real books) and why we are all craving more tactile experiences from life. Tune into the interview to find out how you can get your hands on one of Joanne’s free alphabets!

Marjie Kemper
Marjie is a fellow New Yorker whom I have met in real life for art adventures. In her online and in-person mixed media art workshops, she shares her no-rules approach to mixed media art making and creative expression. Since more than 15,000 people follow Marjie’s Pinterest page, I wanted to get Marjie to share her secrets with you!

During our interview we dived into Marjie’s success with Pinterest, and she shares some not-to-miss strategies for getting more exposure using Pinterest. 

Tune into this interview to get your hands on Marjie’s Pinterest cheat sheet!

Mystele Kirkeeng
Mystele and I “met” when we were both Creative Jumpstart teachers earlier this year. Mystele's art is inspired by the landscape and culture of Northwest Texas where she grew up. 

During our interview Mystele creates connections between her love of music and her art making. 

You will also be able to download a full color pdf of mini-prints to create gifts tags for either the holidays or year round gift giving.

Idania Salcido
Born in Chihuahua, Mexico, Idania (Danita) creates surreal and whimsical mixed media and watercolor art, as well as hand-sculpted art dolls inspired by fairy tales to express her emotions. She recently had her second solo exhibit so during our interview we discuss the inspiration behind her Gothic fairy tale paintings.

In addition, you will be able to download her free color them in gift tags for the holidays.