Artist Chats: Pinterest Tips for Painters

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Pinterest, “the visual bookmarking tool,” was made for artists! Creatives are flocking to this social media channel not only to collaborate and get inspired, but also to drive visitors to our websites and engage with fans of our art.

To help you get more exposure to your artwork and achieve amazing things with Pinterest, I asked Marjie Kemper, a New York mixed media artist who has 17K+ Pinterest followers (as of September 2016), to give us her Best Pinterest Tips for Painters.

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About the Artist (and Expert)

marjie kemper chats about pinterest tips
Marjie Kemper, featured artist in Handcrafted Holidays 
Marjie is the creative mind behind Marjie Kemper Designs, and she teaches mixed media workshops at stores and retreats nationwide as well as through She is also one of the featured artists in the Handcrafted Holidays course, where she will teach you how to create handcrafted gift boxes for any occasion.

Although she is active on many social media channels and has blogged since 2011, she absolutely loves Pinterest, and it has become her go-to social media platform.

Top 7 Pinterest tips:

  1. Use keywords in the descriptions of your pins and boards. Help the search engines find your pins by strategically including keywords that people might use to search for your art in the descriptions of your pins and on your boards. Pinterest is a search-engine savvy tool, so if you use good keywords, you will drive people to your boards. Every description on each board should have an opt-in to your email list or a link to your website.

  2. Organize your Pinterest boards by theme
      1. Don’t alphabetize your boards! Rather, organize your boards into themes and place the boards that are most important to you—that you want to receive the most attention—at the top of your page.
                           →Think about the rows on your Pinterest page like the aisles in a grocery store. Bananas are next to other produce, not mixed in with the toilet paper. On your Pinterest page, you want to group your art journals next to your mixed media, while your pins and boards about running a business should be grouped together
    1.          → Some artists actually organize pins by color to help interior designers discover their artwork.

  3. Create a board called “Thanks for pinning my art” where you re-pin your pins that were pinned by others. Not only does it make it easier for others to find your most popular pins, it can help you gain insight about your followers and give you ideas about what content they might be interested in seeing more of.

  4. Create boards that convey your style. Create inspiration boards so that people can immediately get a feel for your aesthetic sensibility. Boards are a visual and unique way to explain your style to those who get to your page. You’ll want to make this impression count.

    pinterest tips
  5. Join group boards...But not just any boards. Seek out boards that have lots of activity and pins. Group boards are a great way to get more exposure for your art, your business and anything you want to promote. How? When you pin to the group board, you not only get exposure to the people that follow your boards, but you gain access to the followers of the others who are part of the group board. That’s why you should be selective in what group boards you join to be sure they are in line with your business and brand.

  6. Pin regularly: The more you pin—your original content and re-pinning others’ pins—the more popular your page will become and the more publicity your artwork will receive.

  7. Schedule your pins: You can use a scheduler such as Tailwind like Marjie does to help you schedule your pins, and to get more mileage out of each shared pin by posting it on multiple boards over a period of time. Schedulers help you space the pinning out appropriately so that you aren’t seen as spamming your followers.

    Want to save this pin? We made a pin just for you!

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    In Case We Haven't Met Yet...

    pinterest tips
    Hello! I'm Miriam Schulman and I create mixed media art to tell stories. I also teach other people how to craft their stories with art. I give them the techniques they need to get the results they desire which brings more joy to their lives.

    My art has been published by Somerset Studio, Art of Man and the New York Times among others and collected by an international audience. When I'm not working on art in my studio, you'll find me in a museum spending time with friends or family. Explore my art at or join the fun at

    Now I want to hear from you… what are your best Pinterest practices? or post your questions about Pinterest here!