Artistic Symbols of Unconditional Love

Interview with Israeli Jewelry Designer Sagit Levi.
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

Sagit Levi on Etsy
SchulmanArt: Where are you from?
Sagit Levi: I live in Ein Vered, an agricultural village at the Sharon, located in Central Israel.
SchulmanArt: Where did you study art and jewelry design?
See all rings by Sagit
Sagit Levi:I graduated The Design school in Tel Aviv on 1991.

SchulmanArt: Do you make your living as an artist ? Where else do you sell your designs?
Sagit Levi: My Art is my sole mean of income. My clients get to me by word of mouth which exposes me daily to many new people.  In the last few years I e-market my art via the internet to all over the world. Up until recently, I was connected to few galleries in San Francisco.
Sagit at work in her studio
SchulmanArt: What are your inspirations?
Sagit Levi: Living in the country, so close to nature with its vegetation and animals, is the main source of my inspiration. The music I listen to, the different people I meet, the poetry I read, the Kabbalah I study and the Bible, the book of all books, are big part of my creation as well.

SchulmanArt: I love the spirituality in your work and how you incorporate jewish mysticism in your jewelry designs. Could you please tell us more about how Kabbalah influences your jewelry designs?
Sagit Levi: For quite a long time I reside across the street from a Synagogue. Seeing people wearing white, praying, singing, rejoicing and celebrating their belief, deeply affected me. It brought me closer to the Bible and made me quote sentences from the Book as part of my Art.
Find Sagit on facebook!

SchulmanArt: What rituals do you have to get ready to create?
Sagit Levi: I begin my day by lightening a candle, brew my own coffee and sit to work at my own studio, at home. It is a spacious room, with big windows, open to the back yard with its trees and flowers. The room is a source of quietness and inspiration.
I listen to music from all over the world. The music is an essential essence of my life, drives me forward and certainly plays a great role at my inspiration.

Silver Heart Pendant - Unconditional Love
Being efficient and diligent, I can easily combine my work with my everyday tasks . Among my daily obligation I find the time to serve my kids lunch, to walk my dog and take care of the household.