Ask Tiamat 8/25/15 ~  Reconnecting in Rajkot    

Again we are struggling with spotty internet (welcome to rural NM, right?) so we are a little off on our posting dates and times. Do you know what kind of looks you get doing tarot spreads at a corner table in McDonald’s? Hopefully the internet at the house will be fixed ASAP, but in the meantime I get to munch fries and read for you guys. This week our question came to us from India, a place where we seem to be growing quite a following!

Dear Tiamat,

I have been in a committed relationship for over 10 years now, but things are not the same anymore. I feel like we are more like two room mates then a couple. What do I need to focus on to reconnect with my partner?

Looking to reconnect in Rajkot

It can be frustrating when a couple grows apart, especially after such an extended period of time. Let’s see if we can’t help you recapture that spark. I have used the Gilded Tarot Deck by Ciro Marchetti and have drawn three cards in a Past, Present and Future spread. Here is the spread:

Here in the past position we have the Ace of Cups, represented by colorful fish circling an underwater goblet. This card indicates that you were rewarded with the satisfaction of finding your partner, that you were connected in true love and contentment. This is actually a great foundation card for this reading. Next we have The Wheel. We see various versions of the fool around the wheel adorned with sins of the zodiac. Things are spinning right now, and represents the forces of change. Every relationship goes through changes and cycles – this is completely normal. In the present position of a reading it speaks of fate being on the cusp of transforming things for you.Again it looks like we are on the right track with these cards.  So where does that leave us? We already know that there is change present in this relationship – now what can we do to point it in your direction? For this we look to our final card, the Eight of Wands. We see various magnificent crystal topped wands here, illuminated by a warm and rich sun. This is an emotionally charged card, as you can see what you want right there in front of you. It tells us that you have an opportunity here to change things drastically. Look back on where the disconnect between you and your partner occurred. Can you tie it to a specific action or time period? Look to recreate some of the magic of the relationship from before that moment in time. I suspect that both of you have just gotten so caught up in everything else that you have forgotten that a relationship is like a flower, it needs food and water to grow. If you ignore it you will see it start to die. Set aside time in your day to show your partner just how much they mean to you – and don’t let other things get in the way of that. Plan a date night or a mini vacation for the two of you and just enjoy each others company. No cell phones, no internet, no distractions – just the two of you. See if that doesn’t help rekindle that spark for you.