August #FoolsJourney E-Zine is HERE!

In this month's #FoolsJourney e-zine I have packed it full of goodies for you. Inside this month's issue you will find 

* August Tarot Challenge
* Tarot Card Spotlight on the Four of Wands
* Tarotscopes for the month of August
* 11 Signs that you have had a past life (or two!)
* This weeks promos and products
* Info on chakras

Click on read more for details and link to download your copy now!
I want to take a moment to detail what the Tarot Challenge is, because August will be the first month that I do it. The Whimsical Arcane has created a daily challenge for tarot readers to participate in.  Each day you can find a card posted on my Instagram feed with my interpretation of how it corresponds to the theme of the day. I am considering adding it to the blog as well, although maybe as a weekly recap? I don't know yet - which would you rather see?  Below I have included the calendar so that you can follow along with me, or if you read tarot, you can participate as well! 

In addition to all the great content I have also included info on a couple of promos that we have going on right now. 
Everyday Witch Reading
Past Life Oracle Deck
Delphi Oracle Deck
and up
per deck
Single Card Reading
40 Card deck now on Kickstarter
30 Card deck now shipping worldwide
OK, enough rambling for now - here is the link for you to download the August Issue of #FoolsJourney!