Back to Art School

online art classes | art classes online
Raise your hand if you want to go back to art school? If you have always wanted to work on your art but haven't found the time then online art classes will help you carve out time for rediscovering your creativity.

Why take an online class

I love taking art classes online because you can experiment in the privacy of your own home at your own convenience. Sometimes I play the videos as I work alongside in my studio and other times I plug in my headphones to my smart phone and watch one on the road.

I much prefer to pay for an online class then watch tv since you get to learn new skills. Watching other teachers also makes me a better teacher too.

online art classes | how to paint with watercolors | how to oil paint | learn how at the inspiration place
After you join a class, you will find a visual 
directory to help you navigate the lessons.

Visual Makeover

Taking a variety of online art classes has really taught me what I like and don't like when I take a class myself. As a result, I decided to give four of the  popular online classes that I teach a visual makeover. All the videos I create... even when I first started are great quality and give lots of information. However, I want the classroom experience to be as beautiful as the art you are making. I want to inspire your creativity throughout the entire online class experience. So, I have added graphics to each lesson and classroom.

Take a look at the classroom directory for Summerscapes which offers lessons in watercolor, oil painting and mixed media as well as bonus material!




online art classes | how to paint with watercolors |  learn how at the inspiration place
This is a little sneak peek at a lesson in the classroom. 
Each lesson has a video, and a section for you to post questions.

Unlimited Access

A lot of people who have never taken an online art class have wondered how it works. They worry that they have to be at their computer at a certain time. I know that would defeat the whole point of signing up for an online class. All of the classes are pretaped and you view the videos when you want to. I also know from taking classes that if they have expiration dates, I stress out about watching all the content before it expires. So, I decided that from now on all my classes at the Inspiration Place will have unlimited access.

how to paint with watercolors
Discover the best the fall season has to offer

Autumnal Inspirations


The Autumnal Inspirations class has eight full watercolor projects. You get high resolution reference photos, step by step narrated video directions to learn the techniques I use to create my version of the watercolor and list of pigments I used. You can apply these techniques to your own art and I even give you tips in each class on how to individualize your painting to make it all your own. If you would like me to critique your art, you can upload the painting to the private class site to ask questions and feedback.

how to paint with watercolors
Capture your favorite summer memories 
in a beautiful watercolor, oil painting or 
a mixed media collage

If you are not quite ready for fall and want to hold on to summer a little longer, Summerscapes class gives your the tips and techniques to create beach scenes in watercolor or oil and there is even a country scene in mixed media.

How to Paint Trees

The fourth class I made over and put on sale is the Tree Tutorial class. Co-taught with two other guest artists this class explores tree painting techniques in oil, watercolor and mixed media.

online art classes

To learn more, find me 

at the Inspiration Place!

How to sign up

To take any class at the Inspiration Place you first have to create a profile, your own login and password. Sign up is free and you even get a free online art class in art journaling!

Then you click on the icons for any class you want to take and click on the "join" group button on the right hand portion of the screen to be taken to a secure payment area. Once you join, you will be given instant access. No waiting for someones assistant to email you your login info and password.

For all these classes, all the content is already there and waiting for you to get creative! Hope to "see" you in class!