Branching Out

"A Port In The Storm" by Eva Sawyer
​This year I wanted to start fresh, to do something for myself. I dealt with some clients last year that just drained me, and one that almost made me quit reading. I figured if I didn't have an outlet to get some of that energy out that I was going to go crazy.  Hmmm, what soothes my savage inner beast? Art - that's what! I wasn't quite ready to start a new deck project (although there WILL be a new oracle deck coming this year) so I dug out the art supplies. Using a digital camera, paints, chalks and more I set out getting to work. The result is a gallery of work that I am quite proud of.  Not one to hog them all to myself, I decided to upload them to and share them. Each piece can be purchased as a print, canvas, greeting card, coffee mug and more. The money raised through these sales will go towards deck creations this year. Feel free to browse by clicking the link or the picture above. - and let me know which ones are your favorites... ​