Dear Winter, I have found someone else

Dear Winter,
winter paintings
The RideSize: 7.5x11" Original Watercolor Painting ©SchulmanArt
I have found someone else whom I think the world of and his name is Spring. I have been flirting with Spring for a while now,  so I think it is best if we stop seeing each other for a while. I really enjoyed our relationship. I have memories of our dates together. Like the time we took our family sledding. I pulled my daughter's sled up the hill while she froze behind me. My son insisted that my husband pull him up the hill.  You are really beautiful and I don't deserve you. See, it isn't you, it's me. I spent 12 years of my childhood in Miami and Atlanta and I never really got into you. If you don't mind,  I'd like to sell the paintings I made when we were together. I think they would give someone else more happiness. Best, by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

winter art
Looking for art for childrens' room? This illustration pictures a father pulling an empty sled white a little girl freezing in her pink winter coat follows. The framed print would be adorable in a kids room but the landscape painting would look good anywhere that you want to remember the joys of winter and sledding.

 *New* Online art class starts on the first day of Spring!

online watercolor classes schulmanArt Miriam Schulman
online art classes
Want to learn to paint like me? I am now offering online art classes and I would love to have you join me! My first online art class starts March 21, 2013, but registration is now open! I have invited two amazing artists to teach classes so you will get instruction from three teachers in their media on creating beautiful trees. If you are looking for techniques to inspire you, this is the place to be. Not only will get the videos, but you also will have access to my free arts community where you can chat and ask questions with other artsy souls. Only 36. ( an incredible value) for the full ecourse!!! 

Winter Memories found on +Etsy 
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