Describe 2014 in one word.

To start setting goals for next year, take a look back and reflect on 2014. 

I asked some of my artist friends, how would they describe their 2014 art business in one word.... and what they want their art career to look like in 2015.

Here is what they had to say...

Deb Harvey explores art with whimsy
2014: accommodating, 
2015: discover

Renie Britenbucher creates light-hearted paintings.
2014: whirlwind
2015: structured.

Hillary Doggart-Greer excels with silhouettes
2014: flustered. 
2015: scheduled 

How would you describe your year in one word? What word would you like to describe next year?


Tomorrow I will be sharing my words for 2014 and 2015... Did you know you can get all the blog posts via email? 

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