Do You Really Need Certification?
You've been toying with the idea of going pro with your tarot business. It seems like you are ready to hang that shingle out, when someone asks "Yeah, but are you certified?" Wait, what? There ARE certification programs out there (and we'll cover them in another blog post) So do you NEED to be certified? |
The short answer is NO! Sure, being certified will give you a boost in confidence and give you that warm, fuzzy legit feeling... But the truth of the matter is that most people are not checking to see if a reader is certified before choosing them - and most could care less. Why is that? Well, a certificate on your wall doesn't tell anyone how good a tarot reader you are, just how good you are at taking tests. Take me for example, last semester I passed Algebra with a B (how I have NO idea!) not because I am good at math, but because I was able to hold the knowledge in just long enough to take a test and then it all leaked right back out. In addition, you'll quickly find that the tarot world is not regulated that way. People like plumbers, electricians, lawyers, etc have to have certification, but part of the beauty of tarot is that really anyone can do it. Even if you do pursue certification it is no guarantee that clients will be beating down your door. And when most certification courses cost between $300 and $500, think about how many readings you are essentially doing for free before you even break even!Â
If you are ready to go pro you are better off to get a certification in counseling, since people skills are vital to reading the tarot. Psychology won't hurt either. You should have good communication skills, both oral and written as well as the understanding that the learning never really stops when it comes to tarot. Be invested in learning, but don't make getting a certificate on your wall the reason that you are doing this. Instead focus on business development classes and marketing seminars. If you read online or advertise online you should also have at the very least a basic knowledge of web design.
Here are 10 signs that you are ready to go pro:
If you are ready to go pro you are better off to get a certification in counseling, since people skills are vital to reading the tarot. Psychology won't hurt either. You should have good communication skills, both oral and written as well as the understanding that the learning never really stops when it comes to tarot. Be invested in learning, but don't make getting a certificate on your wall the reason that you are doing this. Instead focus on business development classes and marketing seminars. If you read online or advertise online you should also have at the very least a basic knowledge of web design.
Here are 10 signs that you are ready to go pro:
- You deliver all your readings with confidence - you don't need to consult a book or website to know what the cards mean. You should have a good handle on the cards and their meanings before you even entertain the idea of taking someone's money
- You are not invested in the outcome - you are able to be direct with your clients, not sugar coating it or "selling" them what you think they want. This does no good to anyone involved.
- You know when to say no - Some clients are just gonna suck - there isn't any way around it. They are the ones who will fold their arms and block every thing you say, or the ones who will take everything you say and live or die by those words as though they were law. These are the people that you are better off NOT reading for. Because you aren't just in it for the money, right?
- You have ethics - each readers code of ethics is a little different, but they can be things like not reading for third parties, not reading for those under 18, even not reading about death (if you are a reader who has some psychic ability) Develop your code of ethics - and then STICK TO IT!
- You know your limits - this is about knowing what you can and cannot deliver to your clients. Don't sell them on a relationship reading if you know that your relationship readings are just not ever on point. Work on them, but don't run a Valentines special if you can't give your client the best possible experience. Know what you are good at, and tailor your offerings accordingly.
- You value your time and charge accordingly - There are some die-hards out there that feel that any reader worth their salt won't charge for their gift, and frankly that's hogwash. Sure, for some it is a gift and they can just pick it up and run, but the vast majority of us have invested countless hours and dollars on courses, books, decks, advertising, etc.. You know what you are worth, and you charge a fair price. I would expect to see a reader who is a 30yr vet of the trade charge more then someone in their first year.
- You understand the value of free readings - value in something that is FREE? Yep, there is some value in free readings. I read once a week for the Free Tarot Network to stay sharp on those weeks that I don't have many clients. I also give away a free reading now and then as a marketing tool. But if you do them too often, everyone will expect them and you will have a much harder time getting paid.
- You know or are willing to learn business skills - these include marketing, bookkeeping, website design, etc... If you just want to focus on the tarot part you will fail. I HIGHLY suggest the course by Biddy Tarot on growing your own tarot business. It is a little pricy, but well worth the cost (and she does offer deep discounts/monthly payments as well).
- You are prepared for or have a strategy for unhappy clients - you have a refund policy in place even if you never have to use it. You have a firm policy that you adhere to consistantly. Break it once, and you will forever be dealing with the fallout.
- You know your target client - You should be able to identify your ideal client. And before you say "well, anyone who wants a tarot reading" you should know that isn't the right answer! If you try to be everything to everyone you will not be offering the best service. For example, if you are really amazing at past life readings your ideal client wouldn't be someone looking for career guidance. Once you identify, you can tailor your advertising to that specific type of client.