Elements abound: Weekly Draw 7/8/2015

It's that time of the week again! This week I dug out my Legacy of the Divine cards (they have been hiding in a drawer lately) and instead of the regular 3 cards I chose 4.  Choose the card that speaks to you the most and then click read more for the reveal.

Mercury has spent a longer time than usual in the sign of Gemini, and today enters Cancer, where it will transit until July 23rd. When Mercury is in Cancer, we tend to think, speak, and take in information on a deeper, more instinctive level. We also more easily take things personally. Our thoughts are quite strongly colored by our emotions.

Here we see 4 wands equally spaced and focusing light - very similiar in structure to a house! They are firmly anchored and we see light above and darkness below. For you this week, we look at this card in the context of the statement above about emotions coloring things in a special way. Is there an upcoming family get together, summer trip or event? If so, look for there to be a welcome surprise. An ordinary get together will suddenly become one of life's most wonderful and momorable moments.

The Fool here balances on an hourglass, with his faithful canine companion holding on tight for the ride. Full of innocence and optimism, the Fool this week urges you to take a risk. Is there someone you have been trying to approach? Something you want to cross off your bucket list? This is the week to make your move - step off into the unknown and place your trust and faith in the journey!

Talk about a celebrations! The woman on this card is dancing in the surf, cups and music surrounding her.  Look for a party this week, or a new group welcoming you with open arms. Just be cautious while having fun. Already an emtionally charged week, this card also warns of emotions getting the best of you and common sense flying out the window. This could be an argument, an embarrasing situation or heaven forbid even a Coyote Ugly moment! Have a good time, but try to use your head as much as possible!

4. THE 2 of COINS:
This poor fellow! He is attempting to navigate the waves while trying to maintain his grip on his coins. But making it more difficult is the fact that his bicycle has no handles! Yikes! For you this week things are going to be rocky and precarious. It is going to be vital for you to balance your emotions, even if inside you are falling apart. Don't however sacrifice your position to keep the peace. Insist on a quid pro quo so that you aren't putting yourself at risk of toppling.

Did the card you pick resonate with you? Tell us about it in the comments below!