Free online art class in mixed media
(it's that free mixed media video series I've been hinting about!)
Today's your lucky day! I've been working on a very special mixed media training program all week long and I'm excited to finally send it your way.

The even better news?  It's F-R-E E! (woo-hoo, right?)

AND you (you loyal blog reader, yes you) are on my A-list to get it early...because I know you are going to love it

start watching....

>>4-part video series

This first video will teach you the 4 ways to tell your story in mixed media and I will even give you a behind the scenes peek at how I painted my sunflowers.

(plus the trick I use when drawing in charcoal so you don't end up with a hot gray mess.)

There are lots of great inspiration packed into this video series, so make sure to carve out a little time to watch it with no distractions.
(yes, this counts as "me" time)

What are you waiting for?

→ Go watch the video series!