Give A Little Love Today...


I'll be the first to admit that Valentine's Day is my LEAST favorite of the holidays. But for many of you, that isn't the case. Heck, it's a $19 BILLION a year holiday! I wanted to share with you some of my favorite ideas for those of you looking for love today...​

Looking for a new love?

If you are one of the people who is alone this year, have no fear! I spend a lot of time each year casting love spells, and this day is no exception. It never fails that I get asked to compel someone to love, but I believe in focusing on your inner journey to love. I can cast a tarot spell for you that will use the power of specific tarot cards to bring power to you in love.

Want a lover back?

Yep, it can be done (and without compelling them) but it is probably my least favorite thing to do. There are a LOT of spell casters out there who really rake in the cash on a day like today. I however think that there is a reason that an ex is an ex. However if you have your heart set on getting that old flame back I can do that.

Want to love yourself?

Above all I think it is most important that we love ourselves. I mean, if you don't love you how can you expect anyone else to?  Here are some ways you can show yourself love:

Keep a success journal. List your accomplishments every day. Review your entries at the end of the week and summarize what this says about you. When your default thinking is negative, this repetitive activity supports positive self-talk by building new neural path ways.
Do something nice for yourself on a regular basis. Buy yourself flowers, book a massage or facial, go to the theatre, or take a vacation. Show yourself how much you appreciate who you are.
Be your own best friend. Talk to yourself the way you’d talk to your best friend. This is a great tip from Dr. Young. Think about how supportive and empathetic we are with our best friends. Have those encouraging and loving conversations with yourself.
Forgive yourself for your mistakes. You would do that for your best friend. Continually beating yourself up for what you did in the past is not productive. Show compassion and forgiveness.
Understand that failures, mistakes, and set-backs offer valuable lessons. Look for the opportunities to grow professionally and personally from your past and be mindful going forward of how to use these lessons.

What will YOU be doing this Valentine's Day?​