Go Figure ~ nude watercolor figure painting online class

online figure painting course in watercolor :: http://schulmanart.blogspot.com/2015/06/go-figure-nude-watercolor-figure.html
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Do you have the courage to try figure painting?

For over a year, I have been working on a new online class on painting the nude figure in watercolor. I looked far and wide and couldn't find anyone else who was teaching this course and I knew that I could show the world how to make beautiful watercolors. The way I paint the human form, you notice they are beautiful first and then you notice naked and I paint in a representational style that is loose and free. 

You too can learn how to pour your heart and soul into watercolors and master this painting process.

 online figure painting course in watercolor :: http://schulmanart.blogspot.com/2015/06/go-figure-nude-watercolor-figure.html 

What most artists struggle with...

Before I began designing the class, I sent out a survey asking artists what they wanted to learn most about painting the figure. The same themes came up over and over again. You said that you felt your painting was too tight, that you were confused about how to mix colors and...you were afraid to even get started... You also told me you wanted to master highlights and shading.

I can help you

Since I have been teaching my online classes for quite some time, I knew I could help. So I created this ultimate figure painting course so you can learn the skills and tools you need to become express yourself and enjoy painting. You can discover all my realistic figure painting tricks as you peer over my shoulder and I whisper to you all my secrets.
online figure painting course in watercolor :: http://schulmanart.blogspot.com/2015/06/go-figure-nude-watercolor-figure.html

10 Traits you need to succeed with figure painting...

You desire to master that painterly style
You long to paint the figure, but are too timid or embarrassed to do attend a live class
You want to conquer your fear of starting
You strive to learn a loose, less rigid painting style.
You yearn to gain the experience and confidence necessary to paint believable figures.
You want to make the simplest drawings come to life by mastering highlights and shadows.
You don't have time to go to classes or you live in a rural area where high quality classes are not an option
Watercolor relaxes you and you have a passion for art
You believe you can succeed as an artist if you had the right guidance
You love how art makes you feel!

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online figure painting course in watercolor :: http://schulmanart.blogspot.com/2015/06/go-figure-nude-watercolor-figure.html

9 Essential Skills Every Figure Painter Must Learn

Tackle painting the human figure, developing your painting skills in the process
Master techniques for mixing skin tones, creating highlights, and adding shadows to bring your painting to life
Turn line into form to create realistic natural looking features.
Design color harmonies to balance the art
Explore the best materials and tools to achieve professional results.
Capture details with color and lighting in order to set a "mood"
Choose which colors and how much water to use
Build and layer the paint with proper shading and glazing techniques
Develop confidence in your painting, eliminating your confusion through my step-by-step guidance

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“Learning with you has opened up a new world for me. I like YOUR Classes the BEST . . . period. I stopped investing in any others because there is no comparison . . ” Georgy Rock

"The fact that your online courses are forever courses is one of the many reason I would love to take [your courses]. I love your painting style, and the ease with which you teach. You describe what you are painting, the color mixes you are using and how you made them (and by showing your palette, I can see how you are mixing it). You explain how much or how little water you are using, making it much easier to follow you." Nellie Krams Delaware

6 Reasons You will Love this Online Class...

Seven Succinct Lessons

Tightly edited videos will talk you through levels of mastery with easy to follow instructions. Each lesson is designed to show you step-by-step exactly what to do and when to do it using two different models for demonstrations. There is even an eighth bonus lesson on color mixing for multiple skin tones! (see the bonuses below!)


You have lifetime access so that you don't feel rushed to get it done by a certain time. You can access the class at your leisure, whenever you are stuck or when need a refresher, without having to pay another fee! You have access to the class for the lifetime of the site.

Photo References 

You will gain access to my private photo references of two beautiful models for you to work from at your leisure to practice drawing and painting without the embarrassment of going to a live class or the expense of hiring your own models.

PDF's and Cheat Sheets

Each video is complemented by thorough instructions and good explanations. You can print out handy guides for additional reference and inspiration and add them to your own notes as you review lessons or work away from your computer.

Stop, Pause and repeat

You can watch the whole lesson and then go back and watch again as you paint. Since the lessons are divided into manageable chunks, it is easy to find just the right segment you need to review.

Supportive Community

What will you do when things go wrong? When learning within a supportive community of other like minded creative souls sharing the same artistic journey, you have the opportunity to share your art and experiences with your peers and ask questions in a non-judgmental environment.

PLUS You get THREE Bonuses

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  1. Video Lesson on Mixing a Rainbow of Skin Tones
  2. Male nude photo reference 
  3. Plus a weekly email with bonus tips to keep you motivated and inspired!

    online figure painting course in watercolor :: http://schulmanart.blogspot.com/2015/06/go-figure-nude-watercolor-figure.html

    Bonus lesson on mixing flesh tones to achieve a spectrum of diversity in your figures

    online figure painting course in watercolor :: http://schulmanart.blogspot.com/2015/06/go-figure-nude-watercolor-figure.html

    Bonus Photo-reference on the Male Nude to practice your classical drawing skills

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    For artists who either feel they don't need online instruction, or just require extra practice, I created a digital source book of 10 of my favorite figure poses of men and women using four different models. You can not purchase this book separately! It is ONLY available inside a package with the figure painting course. Each photo has a transparent grid overlay to facilitate proper proportions.


    How will you advance your art this summer?

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    I know that June is a busy month- it has been for me too, with my daughter's prom, high school graduation, birthdays, camp packing and reunions. However, the slow month of July is looming and I want to make sure that you have some way to enjoy new art classes and get feedback on your art. It is really hard to find quality classes in the summer. I don't want you to be bored in July and regret not having signed up for Go Figure
    4 monthly payments of $47 each, OR save $21 and pay in full! REGISTER NOW

    Do you have the courage to try figure painting? 

    First of all, I will hold your hand the entire way and I also offer a 100% money back happiness promise. I only want happy art students in my classes

    Sign UP

    About the Artist (Miriam Schulman)

    Miriam Schulman, founder of the Inspiration Place
    In case you're curious about me, let me tell you a little bit more about myself. I live my creative life with gratitude in New York's backyard. After witnessing the devastation of 911, I abandoned my hedge fund job  to work on my art full time. Rejecting the starving artist myth, my watercolor and mixed media paintings have been seen on NBC, published in art magazines & home decor books and collected worldwide. In addition, the Hudson River Museum and Katonah Museum of Art have carried my artistic accessories in their gift shops. My art has been published in art magazines such as Art of Man, Art Journaling Magazine by Stampington and Professional Artist magazine.

    Come see what kind of art I create at www.SchulmanArt.com or join the fun at TheInspirationPlace.net