Guidance For You From The Golden Path
Pick A Card, Any Card....LOL, no I am not practicing a magic trick! It is been a while since we have done a card draw and with the arrival of our Wisdom of the Golden Path oracle deck this week it seemed like a good time to dust off the ol' deck. In all seriousness, finals are wrapping up at school this week which will free me to do some of the things we have been letting kind of fall by the wayside. So if you are new to our site, the way this works is that you focus on the cards to the left. Pick the one that you are most drawn to and then scroll down to see what that card reveals for you. Scroll down and read more when you are ready |
Here is what the card you have chosen today reveals for you. 1. MASQUERADE A masquerade party or ball involves people wearing masks, hiding their identities. If you are picking this card, it is telling you that someone is trying to hide themselves and their true intentions from you. It is important that you not be distracted by appearances and that you have the trust in your intuition. If they sound too good to be true, or something just isn't adding up then you are probably right. Say this affirmation today: "I trust my intuition and instincts. I see through appearances. I sense what is true and what is not" 2. I AM BLESSED The principles of balance (or Yin and Yang) are very important to the universe. Right now you feel like there is no balance, and like life is not fair. But this card is a reminder that even though it looks hopeless or unfair, that all things happen for a reason. This trouble you are going through is really a blessing in disguise. Look for the positive. Say this affirmation today: "All is unfolding in the most perfect way for me. All unfolds at the most perfect time. I am blessed with eternal love and abundance." |
Rose petals falling are symbolic of the change of seasons. If you are choosing this card it means that there is a change coming for you. The roadblocks and issues that have been holding you back for the last few months will start to melt away. Now is the time to enjoy the ride. Say this affirmation today: "I am one with the natural flow and rhythm of life. My life comes to fruition at the perfect time. I am guided by the power of the universe, heaven and earth. I now move forward with confidence and ease."
Do you struggle with the feeling that somehow you don't measure up to others? Let go of the belief that somehow you aren't good enough because when you do let go, you will realize that you have many wonderful qualities and gifts to offer the world. You have to believe in your internal abundance before you can expect it to manifest. Say this affirmation today: "I love and honor my many special gifts and talents. I give thanks to the abundance within myself in in the world around me. My life is an endless flow of abundance."Â
Thank you for joining us this week for your card guidance. If you felt that this was on target let us know in the comments!
Rose petals falling are symbolic of the change of seasons. If you are choosing this card it means that there is a change coming for you. The roadblocks and issues that have been holding you back for the last few months will start to melt away. Now is the time to enjoy the ride. Say this affirmation today: "I am one with the natural flow and rhythm of life. My life comes to fruition at the perfect time. I am guided by the power of the universe, heaven and earth. I now move forward with confidence and ease."
Do you struggle with the feeling that somehow you don't measure up to others? Let go of the belief that somehow you aren't good enough because when you do let go, you will realize that you have many wonderful qualities and gifts to offer the world. You have to believe in your internal abundance before you can expect it to manifest. Say this affirmation today: "I love and honor my many special gifts and talents. I give thanks to the abundance within myself in in the world around me. My life is an endless flow of abundance."Â
Thank you for joining us this week for your card guidance. If you felt that this was on target let us know in the comments!