How to Develop a Daily Journal
This blog post is part of a series that takes a deep dive into the strategies I use to quiet my monkey mind and stay focused on my art making, One morning ritual I find invaluable is the daily journal practice. I have a bunch of journals that I use to help me stay mindful.
Morning Pages
A Family Affair
My teenage children have also embraced a regular journal practice. My college age daughter, an aspiring musician, writes daily morning pages and my sixteen year old son uses the official 5 Minute Journal book. He finds the fill in the blank prompts for daily and evening journals helpful. Since he is a high performance athlete hoping to wrestle for a Division 1 school, he has augmented his journal practice with a diet and fitness journal of his own design.
My favorite writing prompts
Morning prompts
Just make it a ritual to start your day with the following questions: What am I grateful for? What are three things I can accomplish today?
Nightly check-in
Then do a nightly check in to remind yourself of what you accomplished that day. The prompts here are: How could I make the day better? What were the “wins” for the day?
8 Daily Prompts for Mindfulness
Would you like a list of my daily prompts? Here are three morning prompts and 5 nightly checkin prompts that you can use to make yourself happier and more focused! >> download the FREE 8 prompts
In case we haven't met yet...
About Me (Miriam Schulman)
Miriam Schulman, founder of The Inspiration Place |
In case we haven’t met yet, I’m a watercolor and mixed media artist. My art has been featured in numerous publications such as Somerset Studio, and I’m the founder of The Inspiration Place  where I give my students stepping stones to create beautiful art as well as the emotional support they need to stay inspired. See the art I create at or learn how to paint with me at
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