How to Get Published in Art Magazines

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In the beginning of 2014, I made a goal to get published in art magazines. Starting with the end goal in mind, I knew the only way to get "discovered" was to submit the art myself to the magazines. I made submitting my art a priority in 2014.

Steps to getting your art published

The first step to getting published is to research the magazine's deadlines and editors. Somerset Studio has many different publications specializing in different areas of art. Their online site has very clear guidelines on what they are looking for.  Although they now accept digital submissions, I knew that sending them my physical journal would give it the best chance of getting it published.

Tweet: Setting goals is the 1st step in turning the invisible in2 the visible @TonyRobbins via @schulmanArt how2Publish#art

Setting goals is the first step in 

turning the invisible into the visible @TonyRobbins

Schedule it

I checked out the deadlines and then put one of the deadlines on my calendar. You can fuss with a journal forever, and giving me a deadline forced me to stick with a plan of submission.

You can't predict what they want

This is my art journal page before I submitted it to the magazine. I was surprised by the pages they chose as they favored my text based posts rather than my more painterly pages. However, you can't predict what they are looking for since many of the artists featured in the same magazine had more imagery on their art journal pages. Notice how the first item on my action plan last year was to submit to magazines.
You can find my article in the January/February 2015 edition of Art Journaling magazine. If you are looking for inspiration for your journal they feature more than 150 journal pages each issue, which also means that you have a great chance of being selected.

Make your Art Stand Out

Before I shipped my art journal out, I decorated the package. I wasn't sure if I was overdoing it but the editors loved it and included a photo of the package inside the magazine.

A photo posted by Miriam Schulman (@schulmanart) on

After they select you.

The magazine notified me by email that they would like to publish my art along with an article request. I was paid for the article and given just a week to draft my story.

An Art Journal Page

The magazine published this art journal page. You can collect this inspiration art on etsy.

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Coming Attractions

Next week I am going to talk about my mantra for 2015....stay tuned

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