It's been a while....
It has been a doozy of a couple of weeks around here. We had so much planned for June - from the release of our EmpressBiz classes to some great new content. Unfortunately we got a call from Vermont (where our family is) that my stepdad had passed away. Less then a week shy of his wedding anniversary he was in his recliner when my mom came home - fine then. She went off for a bit, and when she came back in to cook dinner he was gone. I hope that I am so lucky as to go in my sleep - but in the meantime my mom was suddenly alone - and I was 2500 miles away. Talk about feeling helpless.
We scrambled to do what we could, figure out how to make the trip on such short notice, etc... and in doing so fell about two weeks behind in our schedule. Then last week I had a week long paleontology class that had me in the lab and away from home. I got in yesterday and am ready to buckle down and get to business.
However, for tonight I am totally goofing off and unwinding. I found this adorable Game of Thrones Major Arcana on Deviant Art and am repurposing a deck that my daughter destroyed last week. I have never read with just the majors, so this should be interesting.
I'll be back to work tomorrow with the first order of business being getting some great content for you to download.
** Cards are for my personal use**