Lackluster in London ~ Ask Tiamat 9/1/2015
Dear Tiamat,
How can I get the spark back to begin enjoying life? I have some creative ideas which I try to occupy myself with - however life sometimes seems very harsh and I find myself wanting just a little joy. It seems to always be just out of my grasp.
Lackluster in London
First I want to say that I hope that we can help get you on the path to finding your spark. I myself was lost about 10 years ago, miserable and alone. I wanted to be happy like all my friends but I also felt it was just out of reach - so I know a little about how you must be feeling right now. Let's see if we can't so something about that! I used the Gothic Tarot deck for this reading. It's kind of a dark deck, but for some reason it practically jumped off the shelf and said I had to use it. Here are the cards that I pulled for you....
How can I get the spark back to begin enjoying life? I have some creative ideas which I try to occupy myself with - however life sometimes seems very harsh and I find myself wanting just a little joy. It seems to always be just out of my grasp.
Lackluster in London
First I want to say that I hope that we can help get you on the path to finding your spark. I myself was lost about 10 years ago, miserable and alone. I wanted to be happy like all my friends but I also felt it was just out of reach - so I know a little about how you must be feeling right now. Let's see if we can't so something about that! I used the Gothic Tarot deck for this reading. It's kind of a dark deck, but for some reason it practically jumped off the shelf and said I had to use it. Here are the cards that I pulled for you....
The cards in front of us are The Magician, The High Priestess and the Ten of Cups. Let's dig in and see what insight we can pull from this trio.
The Magician card in this deck is fantastic - at first glance you might be like, meh, but look closer. We see the magician performing a ritual in a location that looks much like Stonehenge. He is capturing the bolt of lightning and channeling it into that which is in front of him. An inspection of the robed figures shows us that they each carry a "suit" from the four minor arcana. He is telling you that the time is right to seize the advantage - to use your best talents and create something amazing. In the middle we have the high priestess represented by Isis at an Egyptian tomb. Among other things the goddess Isis is a goddess of creativity. Right now you aren't sure what to do, and you are splitting your focus in several places in an attempt to find something that makes you feel fulfilled. Trust your gut and try to focus in on what really makes you excited. Because when we look at the next card in the line, the ten of cups we see a vampire woman leaning at the side of her beloved. A closer look indicates a small bloody scratch on his chest so we can presume that she is merely waiting for him to transition and join her. The Ten of Cups is a "happily ever after" card. It tells me that you WILL find some joy in the very near future. Expect a breakthrough, that Ah-Ha moment when you find what it is that has been out of reach. Have faith, be patient but be ready to pounce when the opportunity presents itself to you.
The Magician card in this deck is fantastic - at first glance you might be like, meh, but look closer. We see the magician performing a ritual in a location that looks much like Stonehenge. He is capturing the bolt of lightning and channeling it into that which is in front of him. An inspection of the robed figures shows us that they each carry a "suit" from the four minor arcana. He is telling you that the time is right to seize the advantage - to use your best talents and create something amazing. In the middle we have the high priestess represented by Isis at an Egyptian tomb. Among other things the goddess Isis is a goddess of creativity. Right now you aren't sure what to do, and you are splitting your focus in several places in an attempt to find something that makes you feel fulfilled. Trust your gut and try to focus in on what really makes you excited. Because when we look at the next card in the line, the ten of cups we see a vampire woman leaning at the side of her beloved. A closer look indicates a small bloody scratch on his chest so we can presume that she is merely waiting for him to transition and join her. The Ten of Cups is a "happily ever after" card. It tells me that you WILL find some joy in the very near future. Expect a breakthrough, that Ah-Ha moment when you find what it is that has been out of reach. Have faith, be patient but be ready to pounce when the opportunity presents itself to you.