Make a list of your Summertime Goals!

Summer is a great time to review your yearly goals and set new ones for the summer. Challenge yourself to make a list of goals this summer and link up your list.

dragonfly art with inspirational quote by @schulmanArt
Summer is here with endless possibilities...
Why should you wait once a year to make a list of goals? To me, summer is full of possibilities that parallels the end of the calendar year, but with much more meaning. 

Why do we make resolutions in January?

Sure, in January we flip a calendar, but what really ends and what really begins? Where I live, January is the beginning of bad weather. Maybe it is because I never learned to properly ski and I spent a childhood in Florida but I fiercely countdown the days to spring and summer.

June is a time of endings and fresh beginnings

 I remember as a high school student the feeling of being at the end of an intense marathon, and when you are a parent the feeling can be even more acute. In addition, to shepherding your kids through a stressful exam schedule and watching endless end of year recitals, you are responsible for all the behind the scenes planning for "transition."

art journal page for you @schulmanArt
You can print this out and use it to make YOUR own list!
Finally, with the final bell and the last class you are free. For me, it means the end of carpools and I have ushered my kids past yet another milestone for whatever grade they are in.

Summer is a hiatus from race to no where 

Since the school year marks an ending, the summer marks a new beginning. We can start fresh with a clean slate and the pressures of another year seem far away with warm barefoot carefree days.

Summer Promises

Mentally, I make promises to myself that I will clean out closets, organize the basement, get in shape, get this or that done for my art marketing and my art making. However, as with anything I find the only goals that I meet are the ones I write down.

Summer is a great time to review your yearly goals and set new ones for the summer. Challenge yourself to make a list of goals this summer and link up your list.

 art journal page by @schulmanArt
Adding a dragonfly to my art journal page

Make a list

So, in this halfway point of the year why don't you join me and we can make some lists? This week's challenge on this first day of summer is...

What are your summertime goals?

You can download my blank list if you like and print it to have some additional inspiration.

Here are my summertime art goals.

  1. Make musical jewelry to offer at my kids' music school holiday boutique
  2. Design a calendar for 2015 based on my inspirational art
  3. Coordinate a set of inspirational note cards to offer all year long
  4. Create a portfolio of 6 Fall themed artworks and 6 Winter/Holiday artworks
  5. Submit said portfolio to 10 manufacturers or artist agents
  6. Paint my own set of patterned papers to use in my mixed media art ( instead of scrapbook papers) so that all that I do is original and my own design
  7. Attend an art retreat (signed up with the fabulous Julie Fei-Fan Balzer... and guess what we are doing? Creating our own set of patterned papers. Perfect!)
  8. Submit my art journal for publication.
  9. Finish the 4x6' peacock ( I absolutely have to do this... it's a commission)
  10. I want to make sure I got to at least three art exhibits over the summer. I have a few in mind.. Maybe I should wait to share my summer wish list for another post.. ( are you following my blog? you can even subscribe to get an email with each new post or a weekly summary. click here to subscribe by Email)

and for nosy folks... here are the personal goals I have set for myself...
Scarsdale Community Outdoor Pool
Scarsdale Community Outdoor Pool

  1. Finally attach the (finished) lace onto the (finished) vest that I made a year ago but never got around to putting together.
  2. Get started on the sweater project I bought in the fall ( or was that last fall? yikes)
  3. I do have closets to clean... but I think I will just set the task of cleaning out the bottom of my craft closet and the linen closet. (manageable)
  4. However, I just now went to fetch the bug spray from under the bathroom sink and I know I have been meaning to clean out under my sink vanities for some time... should save us money in all the extra toiletries we have been hoarding.
  5. I joined the outdoor pool this year.. I better go. Okay, the goal is I have to go to swim 8 make that 12 times.( I am mentally dividing the cost I paid on the individual pool membership by the number of times I will use it) I haven't gone yet because truthfully I keep forgetting that I joined.
  6. We may be the last family in Scarsdale without a flat screen TV. I have been preaching "sustainable living" to my son as the reason for why we don't have one. Lately, the tv started getting so much static I had trouble seeing the white soccer ball during the world cup ( I wasn't really watching, he was) It is time... 
  7. which means I really need to get a carpenter to help me refit the bookcases in the den to accommodate that... and oh yeah, repaint the ceiling in the den where water from the upstairs bathroom leaked down...twice. (embarrassing...)

What are your summertime goals?