Mixing it up!
If you look to the right, you may notice that there is a little something missing. We love writing our blog, but a daily schedule no longer is in the best interest of us - or you as our readers. We have noticed that an aggressive schedule of blogging results in two thing. 1) It causes uneven traffic flow, meaning that some days we get very high traffic, other days not as much. and 2) There are days that we post things shorter or less fleshed out then planned simply to get them posted "on time". |
So, with these things in mind we have removed the formal schedule. We want to focus on being able to offer higher quality posts more consistantly. We hope that this new change works out better for both us and you. The Weekly Draw and Ask Tiamat features will no longer be part of the blog, but will have their own pages going forward. We'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.