Most Popular Blog Posts of 2014

As I unpack 2014, I take a look at the more popular blog posts for the last year. I like doing these round ups for several reasons. First, it allows me to share the best of the best with you and second, it guides me in deciding what I should be blogging about in the coming year. I also added some notes about why I think these posts became so popular.

5 Artists to Follow on Instagram

Looking for Instagram Inspiration?

Who else is obsessed with instagram? Instagram is definitely one of my favorite social media platforms to use...did you see yesterday's post where I rounded up the most popular instagram picture? Take a look and tell me which was your favorite!

Art Journal Inspiration

Most Popular Art Journal Idea: Hobbies to Go
The majority of the popular posts (that made top ten in terms of traffic) were all about art journaling. Art journaling was my obsession in 2014 and I just got my art journal published in Art Journaling magazine by Somerset Studio (more about that in a future post) If you are interested in art journaling, I do have a free eBook which collects many of these art journal blog posts into a single source. 
Art Retreat Review

Art Retreat Review

My review of an art retreat with Julie Fei-Fan Balzer made the top ten list and I think it was because she gave me a shout out on her blog. This is why you should never underestimate the power of building relationships with others in your industry. Don't think of other artists as competitors...they can be your biggest collaborators and supporters.

I truly loved doing this live in person class with Julie... so much so that I signed up for another live class at The Ink Pad in New York City. I can't wait to go. I love turning the tables and getting to be a student rather than the teacher!

Art Goals for 2015

Make goals....Share goals

I only just published this blog post this month...was it last week? So I was pleased as punch to see that it had climbed to the top spot. A lot of folks responded positively to reading my art goals and this post inspired them in their own goal making. I only made 7 goals for 2014, but I got very specific. Have you written your goals yet?
cute workout clothes for the gym

When an artist works out... 

This post I put together just for fun. I had been playing around with "fashion fridays" but the only post that really took off was this one about my workout clothes. I had several pins with my exercise outfits go viral ( in the thousands of repins) Some of which I deleted when I got annoyed that my workout clothes were getting more attention than my art. Why should I be surprised? Everyone wants to get fit...including me... and these leggings are so darn cute.


Top Myths about How to Use Pinterest

Power of Pinning

Speaking of pinterest, since I was having so much success on pinterest, I decided to share successful tips in the blog post: Top Myths about How to Use Pinterest


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Which blog post was your favorite and what would you like me to write about in 2015?