Music I listen to when I paint...

Whistle while you work... by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

Make a list of YOUR favorite music!
A great art journal idea is to make a list of your favorite music or the music you listen to when you paint! 


My favorite albums

I listen to lots of different music. However, there are just a handful of CDs that really makes me happy and that I reach for again and again when I paint. The best ones for me to put me in the happy painting blissful mood are my best of Beethoven two CD set, anything recorded by Joshua Bell (celebrity crush violin player), Broadway Musicals such as Rent or Wicked (yep, I am an Idina Menzel fan) and a little known music CD where musician Michael Gordon put Van Gogh's letters to music in a sort of operetta. (no Mom, that does not mean I like opera now.) 

Sometimes the radio...

When not listening to that, I will turn to an indie rock band station known as the Peak ( you can stream it on

Other CD's I like...

I also am a sucker for the "themed" CD's they sell at art shows. For example, I have bought "Music in the time of Cezanne" and that sort of thing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

What do you like to listen to when you work? 

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