Old Mother Hubbard... Spotlight on the 5 of Pentacles
We've all heard the nursery rhyme about Old Mother Hubbard, she went to her cupboard to get her dog something to eat, only to discover that there was nothing there! The Five of Pentacles is a Tarot Card that appears when economic times get bad. It shows up when we are losing faith in a relationship, an institution or just in ourselves. It is a card that illustrates us lacking faith in tough times.
The card generally depicts a wintry scene juxtaposing a beautiful stained glass window with two paupers trudging through the snow of a cold, dark night. One is on crutches, a tiny bell around his neck. The other has a shawl over her head, bare feet half-buried in the snow bank. The black wall behind them holds a colorful stained-glass window. A group of yellow circles with stars drawn in them is the prominent feature of this window. These circles are called pentacles and four are stacked evenly, supporting a fifth. In other incarnations the images still reflect the church and the suffering aspects.
The card is often assumed to be a bad omen when it appears in a reading. But the Tarot deck is subtler than good and bad. The meaning of the card can change dramatically depending on where it lands in a Tarot reading. The other cards around it also heavily influence the Five of Pentacles.
If the Five of Pentacles appears in the past part of a Tarot card spread, it indicates that a hopeless period of your life was in the past. This is a good place to have this card. You can learn about how losing your faith in the past may be the root cause of how you came to a current dilemma. You may also be able to better measure the hope that you have for life now against the hopelessness of your past.
When the Five of Pentacles appears in the present part of a Tarot card spread, this tells you that you are not looking at a great opportunity that is right in front of you. Often this card appears in the present when a generous and loving man is letting you know that he would love to have you in his life and you are ignoring him as you follow a loser bad boy on a dead end fling. This card urges you to have faith and to see something in your life that is right in front of you that can lead to a much happier situation than the one in which you are currently embroiled.
This is a warning from the Tarot deck not to lose faith. The future will challenge you if the Five of Pentacles is placed in your future position. But you can make solid choices now to be on the other side of that stained glass window. The Five of Pentacles reminds us that life is a banquet and most poor fools are starving. Embrace the warm, joyous light that is on the other side of the window in the Five of Pentacles. Knowing that times may be tough is no reason to give up, in fact, you can actually work to create the joyous light depicted in the card's stained glass window. This card lets you know that it is time to live your life instead of just trudging through it.
The card generally depicts a wintry scene juxtaposing a beautiful stained glass window with two paupers trudging through the snow of a cold, dark night. One is on crutches, a tiny bell around his neck. The other has a shawl over her head, bare feet half-buried in the snow bank. The black wall behind them holds a colorful stained-glass window. A group of yellow circles with stars drawn in them is the prominent feature of this window. These circles are called pentacles and four are stacked evenly, supporting a fifth. In other incarnations the images still reflect the church and the suffering aspects.
The card is often assumed to be a bad omen when it appears in a reading. But the Tarot deck is subtler than good and bad. The meaning of the card can change dramatically depending on where it lands in a Tarot reading. The other cards around it also heavily influence the Five of Pentacles.
If the Five of Pentacles appears in the past part of a Tarot card spread, it indicates that a hopeless period of your life was in the past. This is a good place to have this card. You can learn about how losing your faith in the past may be the root cause of how you came to a current dilemma. You may also be able to better measure the hope that you have for life now against the hopelessness of your past.
When the Five of Pentacles appears in the present part of a Tarot card spread, this tells you that you are not looking at a great opportunity that is right in front of you. Often this card appears in the present when a generous and loving man is letting you know that he would love to have you in his life and you are ignoring him as you follow a loser bad boy on a dead end fling. This card urges you to have faith and to see something in your life that is right in front of you that can lead to a much happier situation than the one in which you are currently embroiled.
This is a warning from the Tarot deck not to lose faith. The future will challenge you if the Five of Pentacles is placed in your future position. But you can make solid choices now to be on the other side of that stained glass window. The Five of Pentacles reminds us that life is a banquet and most poor fools are starving. Embrace the warm, joyous light that is on the other side of the window in the Five of Pentacles. Knowing that times may be tough is no reason to give up, in fact, you can actually work to create the joyous light depicted in the card's stained glass window. This card lets you know that it is time to live your life instead of just trudging through it.