On Finding Clarity

At the start of 2014, I decided to choose one word to represent my hopes and intentions for the year. (You can read more about that in my One Little Word blog post) I decided that "harmony" would be a great word for the year and I have to say that the word served me well. 

Hello Harmony

When I cleaned my home, I wasn't just "cleaning" but I was creating "harmony." I looked to make harmony throughout my life and all that I did. However, now that I look back on the year if I were to choose one word to describe my year I would choose clarity.

Finding Clarity

 Each month I reflected on my journey and each week I worked in my art journal. The art journal and meditation practice helped me find clarity. I am so grateful. 

Here is a page from my art journal. I chose a lot of purple for two reasons. First, color experts predicted that Radiant Orchid would be the dominate color of the year for 2014. Second, purple is the color is the color of good judgment and spiritual fulfillment. I also used yellow in this spread to represent hope and happiness. The teal just looked pretty and added balance to the composition.


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One word for 2015

Next week I am going to talk about the word I chose for 2015 and why I chose it... and the word even surprised me.

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