Online Art Class

Tree Tutorial Starts on first day of Spring
post by @SchulmanArt, Miriam Schulman

Blenda Tyvoll demonstrating mixed media techniques
Hey guys and girls! Good morning! Although the snow from the Nemo storm is still on the ground here in New York, I am dreaming of spring and making my goal to teach an online class real! On the first day of spring 2013, my first ever online class starts! You can register now!

how to paint trees
Sign up now!
For the first class, I dreamed big. I didn't just want to share my watercolor techniques but get some of the best artists I know to teach online too! I can't wait to see their videos, and I know you are going to love their art. 

how to paint trees
I am going to demonstrate my watercolor techniques!
First, I have Blenda Tyvoll of Blenda Studio. Blenda and I met on a discussion board on ebay many years ago. She creates the most delightful and colorful mixed media trees. She is a top selling artist on etsy now having sold thousands of her prints and originals. Her specialty? trees! I thought she would be perfect for this online class and I am so thrilled that she agreed to come along for this art adventure. You can read more about Blenda in my blog interview (Daring to be Different.)

Learn how Jan Schmuckal creates her glowing trees!
Next, I have Jan Schmuckal. She is not only and amazing artist but a very smart business woman to boot. She has a bricks and mortar gallery and is a top selling artist on ebay. She paints in a tonalist technique using oils as her medium. Even though my primary medium is watercolor, I can't wait to see her video and how she creates these paintings that just glow! I interviewed Jan too-- (How Gallerist, Artist, and Tonalist Jan Schmuckal ...)

how to paint trees
Get instruction from 3 teachers in an online video course!
In addition, I will be sharing all my watercolor painting tricks and tips. I teach in person in my hometown here in New York, and have lots of great ideas to help you make your watercolor painting easy and effortless. For this first series, I will be demonstrating how to create a watercolor painting of birch trees. You won't believe how easy it is. 
You will be able to re-watch the videos as much as you like for a full year. The course is set up in a private online site where you can also upload your art to show us, ask questions and get feedback. Teaching artists will be able to answer your questions about the process for a month. This is so worth it. Lots of techniques, lots of learning and so so fun.

how to paint trees
Three teachers-- LOTS of art techniques in a NEW online art class!!!

Treasury time!
All of these etsians have gallerie28, Blenda Studio or SchulmanArt (me!) listed as favorites on etsy! This treasury was created in honor of our online class! Thanks for supporting us and becoming our favorites! We really appreciate it!
aqua & emerald green finds on @etsy