Online tarot classes

There are a lot of tarot classes out there on the web, and some of them are free. But does free really mean better? Unfortunately in most cases no. A free tarot class will most of the time give you a glossing over of the tarot and then pretty much turn you loose.

What you should look for in a class is one that offers a lot of bang for your buck. Ask the following:

* Is it just the online course, or are there materials available?
* Is it self paced so you can take your time, or do you have deadlines to meet?
* Does it offer a variety of illustrations or videos to help those who are visual learners?
* Does it encourage you to do activities to help you grow?

and most important, does the instructor offer guidance after the course is completed or do they just take your money and run?

Some ask why even charge at all... My answer this is that if you have a good instructor then their class fee helps support the years of training they themselves went through, the time spent designing the class, the cost of webhosting, advertising, marketing and more. If you figure that the average GOOD instructor will spend upwards of 200 hours or more preparing the course then a modest fee seems appropriate.

If you are interested in taking our intro to tarot class online visit our LEARN TAROT page.