Ready to Get Busy? Weekly Drawing 7/15/15
That time of the week again already! It has been a hive of activity here, so I had to work hard to remember to do this post - so easy to lose track of time.... Choose a card that you are drawn to, and then click READ MORE for the reveal!
Seems sort of fitting that with all the activity this week that our cards are almost exclusively wands! What this says to us is that this is a week of ideas and actions! What card did you choose?
#1 - King of Wands ~ This handsome man brings an abundance of energy to your week. It could be in the form of meeting someone new, with a zest for life. It could also indicate that you will get some help in the form of financial assistance. While it is great to have a strong strapping man to spice things up, this card also tells us to not forget about our own strengths.
#2 - The Sun ~ This card is one of my favorite in the deck. By far one of the most positive cards that you can pull. Look to be revitalized this week, gaining new insight on a situation that boosts your confidance. You may even be the center of attention! Bask in the warmth and glow of the sun and have an awesome week!
#3 - Eight of Wands ~ Things are speeding up - and falling into place. Ever have one of those weeks where things just seem to align in almost scary presicion? That's the kind of week you are headed for. It is best to just throw your chips in the air and let them fall where they may, because this is a week where everything happens EXACTLY as it is meant to (but maybe not how you expected!)
#4 - Seven of Wands ~ This poor guy looks pretty outnumbered - but is standing his ground! This is the week to stand up for what you believe in despite the odds. You might feel all alone in this fight, but remember that you are strong! Do things YOUR way and keep your head held high.
#1 - King of Wands ~ This handsome man brings an abundance of energy to your week. It could be in the form of meeting someone new, with a zest for life. It could also indicate that you will get some help in the form of financial assistance. While it is great to have a strong strapping man to spice things up, this card also tells us to not forget about our own strengths.
#2 - The Sun ~ This card is one of my favorite in the deck. By far one of the most positive cards that you can pull. Look to be revitalized this week, gaining new insight on a situation that boosts your confidance. You may even be the center of attention! Bask in the warmth and glow of the sun and have an awesome week!
#3 - Eight of Wands ~ Things are speeding up - and falling into place. Ever have one of those weeks where things just seem to align in almost scary presicion? That's the kind of week you are headed for. It is best to just throw your chips in the air and let them fall where they may, because this is a week where everything happens EXACTLY as it is meant to (but maybe not how you expected!)
#4 - Seven of Wands ~ This poor guy looks pretty outnumbered - but is standing his ground! This is the week to stand up for what you believe in despite the odds. You might feel all alone in this fight, but remember that you are strong! Do things YOUR way and keep your head held high.