Really? Way to make us all look crazy...
It sounds so ludicrous that it almost defies belief. A document made the rounds of the magical/metaphysical community, asking that people gather to bind Donald Trump. Yep, you heard me right - they are casting a spell on the POTUS. Now what is a binding spell you might ask? It is a spell meant to keep someone from doing harm. The extra oomph was added by asking that his work fail miserably. *facepalm* Want to know what I think? |
If you are a liberal you might want to stop reading now. I hope you keep going, but I'm just letting you know where this is headed! First off, casting a spell shouldn't be the "trendy" thing to do. When performing magical workings they should be taken seriously, not done by girls who have no dates on a Friday night and want something to do. Many of the participants of this "ritual" even claimed that they weren't practioners. Even celebs jumped on the bandwagon, like singer Lana Del Rey, who shared all the details for the ritual on social media.
All this did was set the magical community back dozens of years, as people around the world watched - and laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of it all. It makes it more difficult for legit magic workers to be taken seriously. And that my dears, is a problem.
But my biggest problem with this whole fiasco? The contempt that continues to be shown for the President. Like him or not there is a certain amount of respect that should be afforded to the position. It is insane to me that people complain that Trump is dividing this country, spreading hate, etc... when they are the ones who continue to riot, protest, and do stupid shit like this. I for one am a Trump supporter. Maybe it is because of my upbringing, or the fact that I am a middle class mother of six who KNOWS what it is like to struggle. I KNOW what it's like to have Obamacare screw me, and wish for something different. I KNOW what it is like to live in an area and time where crime is a reality, and where I need to be able to defend myself and my family. I KNOW what it is like to have military family members and family members who narrowly missed being victims of Sept. 11. I KNOW what it is like to have my law enforcement family and friends be terrified to go to work, or afraid to use force when it is needed because someone might whip out a cell phone, and then throw an edited version on the internet for everyone to judge them.
If you aren't happy with the policies our president is enacting then call or write to your state representative. Let them know what issues are important to you and how you hope they vote on issues. Be productive, not destructive in dealing with situations that you don't agree with.
So what are your thoughts about this binding ritual that was done? Do you agree with them? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
All this did was set the magical community back dozens of years, as people around the world watched - and laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of it all. It makes it more difficult for legit magic workers to be taken seriously. And that my dears, is a problem.
But my biggest problem with this whole fiasco? The contempt that continues to be shown for the President. Like him or not there is a certain amount of respect that should be afforded to the position. It is insane to me that people complain that Trump is dividing this country, spreading hate, etc... when they are the ones who continue to riot, protest, and do stupid shit like this. I for one am a Trump supporter. Maybe it is because of my upbringing, or the fact that I am a middle class mother of six who KNOWS what it is like to struggle. I KNOW what it's like to have Obamacare screw me, and wish for something different. I KNOW what it is like to live in an area and time where crime is a reality, and where I need to be able to defend myself and my family. I KNOW what it is like to have military family members and family members who narrowly missed being victims of Sept. 11. I KNOW what it is like to have my law enforcement family and friends be terrified to go to work, or afraid to use force when it is needed because someone might whip out a cell phone, and then throw an edited version on the internet for everyone to judge them.
If you aren't happy with the policies our president is enacting then call or write to your state representative. Let them know what issues are important to you and how you hope they vote on issues. Be productive, not destructive in dealing with situations that you don't agree with.
So what are your thoughts about this binding ritual that was done? Do you agree with them? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!