Strip Away Stress

inspiration to art journal
The reason I love to "work" in my art journal is that it completely strips away my stress. Without the pressure of creating art for a commission or for a gallery, I am free to just play with my art supplies and the devil may care who likes it or not.  

Although journaling is personal, you may be curious about what other artists are putting into their art journals. That's why I love Somerset Studio's Art Journaling Magazine and why I was even more thrilled to be included in the July/August 2015 issue.

5 artists explain how art journaling alleviates stress (quotes all found in this month's magazine!)

  1. "I create for myself...I do it for the pleasure of creating, to enjoy the process only" ~ Kasia Krzyminska p.27 (tweet this)
  2. "Facing a safe haven to grow and reflect in has been key to my unfolding as an artist!"~ Linda Arandas p.31 (tweet this)
  3. "I'm left with a sense of completeness and spiritual fulfillment" ~ Darlene Maciuba-Koppel p.37 (tweet this)
  4. "I can play, experiment, and just explore different things" ~ Leslie Wood p.45 (tweet this)
  5. "Art journaling is the one place that allows me to break free of the world" ~ Amber Walker p.51  (tweet this)
inspiration to art journal art by Miriam Schulman ©SchulmanArt
A page from my art journal amongst other lovely inspirational gems in the summer 2015 edition of Art Journaling

Get your own copy of
Art Journaling Magazine!

Do you want more ideas for your art journal?
Here are some other blog posts you might like:

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Glad you stopped by! I'm Miriam Schulman and I love sharing my inspiration with you!


You can also download this FREE ART JOURNAL ebook for loads of prompts and techniques to keep you happy and busy!

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Hey, I'm Miriam Schulman and I create mixed media art to tell stories. I also teach other people how to craft their stories with art. I give them the techniques they need to get the results they desire which brings more joy to their lives. 

My art has been published by Somerset StudioArt of Man and the New York Times among others and collected by an international audience. When I'm not working on art in my studio, you'll find me in a museum spending time with friends or family. Explore my art at or join the fun at I will be offering a mixed media class in the fall of 2015. join the wait list


What do would you like to learn about art journaling?