Summer Challenge Series

art journal ideas | art journal pages | art journal techniques on this art journal prompt, I started by thinking about the elements for a perfect vacation. Although this is a list prompt, you will see that my end result obscures most of my list writing. This style of art is something I had noticed online by Tracy Verdugo { you might like  her book Paint Mojo} and I was eager to try it out in my art journal. When I first started the list, this was not my intention, but this is the journey that the art journal took me on and I enjoyed the ride. Let me share with you my art adventure.




Art Journal Prompt: What elements make a perfect vacation?

Starting at prepared page that was made weeks ago...not for any particular prompt.... I started with my title of "Elements." To me a perfect vacation must include some sort of art viewing such as gallery hopping or museums.Next, restaurants are always a big part of any happy vacation...although sometimes I do like to cook the local seafood if we are renting a home or the farmer's produce.

Using a Black sharpie to doodle a butterfly 
line drawing on top of my list
Another element of perfection ( that we don't always have control over is "nice weather." I also included "adventure" on my list. Adventure means I tried something new...even if I am returning to the same place, I like to have a new experience. I consider "pampering" a bonus...perhaps it is a massage or something as simple as sitting in a hot tub. Finally, a perfect vacation to me is one that I take with my loved ones.. I can't imagine going it "alone"

Art Journal Techniques

I started off with my usual bubble letters and filling around, but my color choices didn't have enough contrast and I had trouble reading what I had written. Instead of giving up on the page, I decided to add another layer.

Next, I used white craft paint to fill 
in the negative spaces and background

Doodle Butterfly

I used a black sharpie to doodle a butterfly on the page and flower clouds around the perimeter. At first I decided to use white craft paint to paint around the negative space and leave the butterfly but I later changed it to teal. I also added some white dots using my white Signo pen. I don't think this page is complete yet, but half the fun of keeping an art journal is always having art in progress to work on.

Then, I changed it to fluid acrylic paint in teal

I don't think it is "finished" but half the fun is having a place to add embellishments and doodles.

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