Art Blog for The Inspiration Place

Decorating Idea: License Plate Wall Art for your Home

Interview with License Plate artist David Bowman
by @schulmanArt, Miriam Schulman

Looking for art for your man cave? Discover the art of David Bowman and his drool worthy map art made of upcycled license plates. This artist creates unique and engaging pieces of art and maps out of recycled vintage license plates. His designs are mounted on stained boards and are terrific conversation starters and...

do something creative everyday

Teacher by day, artist by night!
Interview with Brigid Ryan by Miriam Schulman @schulmanArt

Vintage Art Bottle for sale on etsy
SchulmanArt: Tell us about yourself!
Brigid Ryan:I was born in Evanston, Illinois and moved to California at the age of five. I come from a big family and was influenced by all the talents of my siblings. Whatever they were into, I wanted to try too. I think that played a big...

Discover how this artist taps into her intuition to create her art

Interview with artist Jenny Grant
by Miriam Schulman, @schulman art, edited by Stefanie Hindmarch

SchulmanArt: Where are you from and how do you think your background has influenced you as an artist?
A peek into Jenny's studio.. see more on her blog
Jenny Grant: I am Swedish living in Mount Maunganui, New Zealand. My Swedish background probably makes me drawn to earthy colors and to light and...

Discover how this Etsy Seller sold 1000 prints in 90 days

Have a Commercial Head
Interview of Kelly Stevens by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

One of Stevens popular Fox prints available from her etsy shop
SchulmanArt: How do you think your childhood has influenced you as an artist?  
Kelly Stevens:I'm originally from London and as a child I was brought up with various pets, and so animals have always been an important part of the family. When I left home I...

she is a daydreamer but she is a happy girl

Interview with Daydreaming Artist Kathy Ahrens
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt
Zentangle Art by Kathy Ahrens
How do you think your environment has influenced you as an artist?
I was born in California and spend most of my life moving around the U.S. exploring nature and loving every minute of it! If you described me as a child, you would say I was a daydreamer. As I would hike with my father, I...

I dream of paintings, then I paint my dreams

@SchulmanArt Interviews Cheri Wollenberg @ChatterBoxArt
Wollenberg's Original Art for sale on etsy & her blog

SchulmanArt: How long have you been selling professionally? 
Cheri Wollenberg:After we raised our children I taught art in public schools until we relocated to NW Arkansas for 10 years. By then, I was already painting daily and selling a few paintings. I began selling on Etsy February 29,...

Getting inspired Comes from doing Artwork

@SchulmanArt Blog Interview with Meri  Bourgard
The artist Meri Bougard at work
SchulmanArt: How long have you been selling professionally and online?
Meri  Bourgard: I have always preferred to personally know my clients and complete sales face-to-face but I’m excited about now being able to reach the world market through the Internet. I have been selling my work professionally since 1975 and...

Get Inspiration from the Silliest Things

Inspired by Day, Creative by Night 
interview of  Brittany Wiltsie by @schulmanart, Miriam Schulman

Join Brittany Wiltsie's Fan Page!
SchulmanArt: How long have you been selling professionally and on etsy?
Brittany Wiltsie:I started doing local craft fairs fall of last year. My etsy shop has been open for a few years and sat empty, I launched Little Green Guy November 2011 on etsy, and have been...

Creating Art is a Process of Exploration and Sharing Inspiration

Interview with artist Robin Phillips
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

visit Robin Phillips' website
SchulmanArt: How long have you been an artist?
Robin Phillips:I am an artist/designer who enjoys working in a variety of media, focusing on visionary art in mixed media painting and graphic design. I studied art, design and psychology, earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of...

Celebrate the Gifts of Your Creativity

Interview with Artist Shelley Lowell
@schulmanArt interviews @Shell143 edited by Miriam Schulman
Artist Shelley Lowell at work in her studio, visit her website
How did you get your start as an artist?
I graduated Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY with a BFA in Advertising Design & Visual Communications. I have maintained 2 parallel, professional artistic careers: one as a visual artist creating...

Meditative Moods Inspire Abstract Artist Sally Trace

Inspiration Comes and Goes in Waves
interview with Sally Trace by @SchulmanArt, Miriam Schulman

Sally Trace Art for sale on website, etsy, and ebay
How long have you been an artist?
Sally Trace:I sold my first drawing in 1971 or 1972. It was a surrealist/erotica sort of thing. In my memory it was really good drawing, but I was just a kid living at a friend’s apartment. Ten bucks bought a lot of food...

How Gallerist, Artist, and Tonalist Jan Schmuckal Gets it all Accomplished

Painting All Night

blog by @schulmanArt, Miriam Schulman
Jan Schmuckal is tonalistpainter on eBay

How long have you been an artist?

Like most artists, I'll say that I was always doing some sort of art project as long as I can remember... but when I went to the University of Illinois in 1986 to gather knowledge I got my BFA in Industrial Design. At that point my medium was either markers, drafting...