Telling lies about reading tarot - Myths debunked
The art of reading tarot is hundreds of years old, but there still remains a lot of misconception about the cards, and the people who read them. We'd like to set the story straight on 10 of the things we hear the most.
1. You have to be psychic to read the cards.
Well, if this were true there would be a LOT less tarot readers in the world. You don't need to be born with the gift - all you really need is the desire to learn and the ability to weave the story. Some say that reading the tarot is more like 40% knowing the cards and 60% being a therapist.
2. Only witches read the tarot
Wow? Really? That's like saying only Asians are good at math... crazy, right? While I do know a lot of witches that know the tarot, and use it for everything from daily meditations to spell casting the vast majority of tarot readers I know are NOT witches. In fact, there are a wide variety of religous backgrounds in the tarot community.
3. You have to know EVERYTHING to be a good tarot reader.
Tarot is a complex art, there is no disputing that. There are roots in mythology, archetypes, astrology, numerology, Kaballah and more - all of which you can find aspects of in a tarot deck. You can be a very good and very successful reader without having to be an expert in every aspect. THe more you know, the more detailed you can make a reading - but it doesn't negate the fact that a large part of tarot reading is connecting with the cards and their images.
4. You have to be gifted a deck to read the tarot
It has been around for decades, the idea that if you want to be a tarot reader that you have to have a deck gifted to you. What poppycock! If I waited for my friends and family to realize that tarot decks are what I want for birthdays and Christmas I would never have gotten started. Also, I feel as though your tarot deck is an extension of yourself. Why would you leave something that important in the hands of someone else? I was gifted a deck once, and the thought was appreciated... but the deck and I just didn't connect. The cards were fine, they just didn't "speak" to me so I rehomed them. Everyone has different tastes and styles they connect with. I think picking your own deck, and having that bond with the cards makes you a better reader.
5. No one but you should touch your cards
This is another one that I call poppycock. Not only is it a personal choice to let a client touch your cards, but allowing them to participate in the process allows their energies to interact with the reading - making them more engaged ,and much more likely to go away with the feeling that they had a really profound reading that resonates with them.
6. The cards are evil
No - the cards are pieces of cardboard with images on them. They are pretty pictures (most of the time) but they are just that. Part of the demonifcation of tarot comes from the middle ages, when we saw tremendous religious upheaval. Tarot was considered to be pagan, and pagan was considered to be bad. Continuing to adhere to that misconception is much like saying that psychology is junk science. The cards are a tool for enhancing a personal journey.
7. A real tarot reader doesn't charge for their services
I hate this one, I really do. I deal with the same situation in my spellcasting practices as well. There are readers out there who do not read for money, but they are not the majority. Some barter for services in exchange for their readings, but they are also in the minority. A good tarot reader has likely spent countless hours studying, attending seminars, reading books, purchasing decks, advertising, rent, etc... and should not be considered to be less then professional for looking for compensation. You wouldn't ask a lawyer to represent you for free would you?
8. The cards WILL predict the future
Nope, sorry. I think you are mistaking the cards for a crystal ball! The tarot cards tend to be less about actual events and more about the person's journey. I cannot tell you what will happen for sure, because things change. Every action you take or choice you make slightly alters the course you are on. I can tell you the best way to get to a point, but that you will reach that point is never set in stone.
9. Tarot reading is a scam
A scam artist CAN use the tarot to scam people, but not all tarot readers are scam artists. Recently I came across an article that insists that tarot readers are all out to scam as much money out of people as possible. Interesting logic when you consider that there are a lot of readers out there that read for free. Here are a few guidelines to avoid being scammed by a reader 1) A good reader should be creating a supportive environment - not scaring the dickens out of you. If you feel uncomfortable with the reader or the direction of the reading you have the power to STOP and leave. 2) If a reader tells you that they see you are cursed and that if you pay them $XXX they can remove it, run - don't walk, straight to the nearest police station. This is illegal, and it gives us legit readers a really bad name. 3) A good reader will be sure to tell you at least once that the future is NOT set in stone. You still have free will and can choose to listen to the advice or not. 4) The reader should have a code of ethics that they adhere to and 5) Somewhere the reader should state (at east in the US where it is required by law) to let you know that this service is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used in place of a licensed professional.
10. You simply cannot get a quality reading electronically/all readers who do email readings simply use a computer program
This one used to bug me a lot more then it does now. I have seen readers that use a computer program to deliver readings (and there are a LOT of programs out there) but if they are using a program it is usually pretty easy to tell. Their readings seem very canned and copy/paste. It does a disservice to those of who sit up at 1am after the baby has gone to bed typing up a quality report from the reading we did. If you think of an electronic reading/email reading more as a long distance reading and less as a technology based reading it help you to understand a bit better. I also find as a reader that I can sometimes get much more accurate readings without the client in front of me. Why is that? Well, every reader out here has had at least one client that came in, sat down with their arms crossed, already determined to poke holes in the reading. I have even had some that have intentionally lied about an answer or left out important information just to say that they knew I didn't know what I was talking about. With the client on the other end of the phone/computer it helps with being able to cut through the bullsh*t and get down to helping them. In additon you have an added level of privacy - no one needs to know you even had a reading unless you want them to know. These readings can be done from the comfort of your own home, and if you want to have it done in your jammies that's cool too. Maybe your tarot reader is really amazing at what they do, but are deaf or wheelchair bound, etc... that keeps them from being able to read in a traditional manner. Best of all, email readings tend to be cheaper then in person readings. I have transitioned to delivering MP3 recordings of my readings to clients so that they can know that I personally took the time to do their reading, and so that they can hear my voice, deepening the connection.
Help us dispel some of these myths by liking and sharing this blog post. Think we missed somthing important? Let us know below!
Well, if this were true there would be a LOT less tarot readers in the world. You don't need to be born with the gift - all you really need is the desire to learn and the ability to weave the story. Some say that reading the tarot is more like 40% knowing the cards and 60% being a therapist.
2. Only witches read the tarot
Wow? Really? That's like saying only Asians are good at math... crazy, right? While I do know a lot of witches that know the tarot, and use it for everything from daily meditations to spell casting the vast majority of tarot readers I know are NOT witches. In fact, there are a wide variety of religous backgrounds in the tarot community.
3. You have to know EVERYTHING to be a good tarot reader.
Tarot is a complex art, there is no disputing that. There are roots in mythology, archetypes, astrology, numerology, Kaballah and more - all of which you can find aspects of in a tarot deck. You can be a very good and very successful reader without having to be an expert in every aspect. THe more you know, the more detailed you can make a reading - but it doesn't negate the fact that a large part of tarot reading is connecting with the cards and their images.
4. You have to be gifted a deck to read the tarot
It has been around for decades, the idea that if you want to be a tarot reader that you have to have a deck gifted to you. What poppycock! If I waited for my friends and family to realize that tarot decks are what I want for birthdays and Christmas I would never have gotten started. Also, I feel as though your tarot deck is an extension of yourself. Why would you leave something that important in the hands of someone else? I was gifted a deck once, and the thought was appreciated... but the deck and I just didn't connect. The cards were fine, they just didn't "speak" to me so I rehomed them. Everyone has different tastes and styles they connect with. I think picking your own deck, and having that bond with the cards makes you a better reader.
5. No one but you should touch your cards
This is another one that I call poppycock. Not only is it a personal choice to let a client touch your cards, but allowing them to participate in the process allows their energies to interact with the reading - making them more engaged ,and much more likely to go away with the feeling that they had a really profound reading that resonates with them.
6. The cards are evil
No - the cards are pieces of cardboard with images on them. They are pretty pictures (most of the time) but they are just that. Part of the demonifcation of tarot comes from the middle ages, when we saw tremendous religious upheaval. Tarot was considered to be pagan, and pagan was considered to be bad. Continuing to adhere to that misconception is much like saying that psychology is junk science. The cards are a tool for enhancing a personal journey.
7. A real tarot reader doesn't charge for their services
I hate this one, I really do. I deal with the same situation in my spellcasting practices as well. There are readers out there who do not read for money, but they are not the majority. Some barter for services in exchange for their readings, but they are also in the minority. A good tarot reader has likely spent countless hours studying, attending seminars, reading books, purchasing decks, advertising, rent, etc... and should not be considered to be less then professional for looking for compensation. You wouldn't ask a lawyer to represent you for free would you?
8. The cards WILL predict the future
Nope, sorry. I think you are mistaking the cards for a crystal ball! The tarot cards tend to be less about actual events and more about the person's journey. I cannot tell you what will happen for sure, because things change. Every action you take or choice you make slightly alters the course you are on. I can tell you the best way to get to a point, but that you will reach that point is never set in stone.
9. Tarot reading is a scam
A scam artist CAN use the tarot to scam people, but not all tarot readers are scam artists. Recently I came across an article that insists that tarot readers are all out to scam as much money out of people as possible. Interesting logic when you consider that there are a lot of readers out there that read for free. Here are a few guidelines to avoid being scammed by a reader 1) A good reader should be creating a supportive environment - not scaring the dickens out of you. If you feel uncomfortable with the reader or the direction of the reading you have the power to STOP and leave. 2) If a reader tells you that they see you are cursed and that if you pay them $XXX they can remove it, run - don't walk, straight to the nearest police station. This is illegal, and it gives us legit readers a really bad name. 3) A good reader will be sure to tell you at least once that the future is NOT set in stone. You still have free will and can choose to listen to the advice or not. 4) The reader should have a code of ethics that they adhere to and 5) Somewhere the reader should state (at east in the US where it is required by law) to let you know that this service is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used in place of a licensed professional.
10. You simply cannot get a quality reading electronically/all readers who do email readings simply use a computer program
This one used to bug me a lot more then it does now. I have seen readers that use a computer program to deliver readings (and there are a LOT of programs out there) but if they are using a program it is usually pretty easy to tell. Their readings seem very canned and copy/paste. It does a disservice to those of who sit up at 1am after the baby has gone to bed typing up a quality report from the reading we did. If you think of an electronic reading/email reading more as a long distance reading and less as a technology based reading it help you to understand a bit better. I also find as a reader that I can sometimes get much more accurate readings without the client in front of me. Why is that? Well, every reader out here has had at least one client that came in, sat down with their arms crossed, already determined to poke holes in the reading. I have even had some that have intentionally lied about an answer or left out important information just to say that they knew I didn't know what I was talking about. With the client on the other end of the phone/computer it helps with being able to cut through the bullsh*t and get down to helping them. In additon you have an added level of privacy - no one needs to know you even had a reading unless you want them to know. These readings can be done from the comfort of your own home, and if you want to have it done in your jammies that's cool too. Maybe your tarot reader is really amazing at what they do, but are deaf or wheelchair bound, etc... that keeps them from being able to read in a traditional manner. Best of all, email readings tend to be cheaper then in person readings. I have transitioned to delivering MP3 recordings of my readings to clients so that they can know that I personally took the time to do their reading, and so that they can hear my voice, deepening the connection.
Help us dispel some of these myths by liking and sharing this blog post. Think we missed somthing important? Let us know below!