The Goddess Speaks ~ Weekly Drawing 8/12/15

The kids are getting the back to school blahs (who doesn't wish summer could just last forever?) and I am no exception. The semester starts for me next week - and while I am excited I also get these little flashes of panic about how on earth I am ever going to handle everything!

So again this week I turned to the Gaia Oracle deck as it always seems to know just the right thing to say. Let's see what it says for you this week. Choose the card that you are most drawn to, then click READ MORE for the reveal.
Here is the reveal:

1. PURIFICATION (WATER): This card signals healing and rejuvination which comes as a result of emotional cleansing. In the coming days you will experience some emotional turmoil. Deep feelings that you thought you had long buried will resurface and catch you off guard. Don't worry, because better things will come from going through this phase. Free yourself of your emotional baggage - wash it all away!

2. HEALING: This lady has journeyed far and wide, searching for happiness which she has failed to find so far. Confused and tired, she surrenders and retreats to her inner peaceful spot. Let go of the superficial to reconnect with your true nature. Reflect on your past and you can see what is true or false. You have veered of course recently, and lost track of what is really important. Stop looking without and start looking within.

3. THE SEARCH: The days of our lives are forever changing, just like the four seasons of the year. Rght now you are symbolically expeiencing a Winter season. Life seems dreary and it feels as if everything  has come to a halt. You may be feeling a sense of loneliness and confusion and you feel like you have lost your way. When will your passion and excitement for life return? The answer is soon. Just like spring always follows winter, so a new cycle will begin for you. Embrace it and have a blast!

4. GAIA:  This is the most powerful card in the entire deck! It shows you have a deep spiritual connection to the earth and a deep spiritual understanding of life. Gaia, the Earth Mother, thanks you for the love and consideration you show towards her and your love for all living things. Perhaps you may join with like minded souls to share your message of love or you may choose to do more practical things to help the Earth. Yet this is not a call to preach to others. You are a beacon of light - remain that way. Share your knowledge and wisdom only wih those who are ready to hear it. All the Earth needs is a little more love.

Let us know if this resonates with you. Share your comments below!