Time to Refuel the Creative Well

A day in the city to recharge creative batteries....
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

Grand Central Station in its Holiday glory
Every once in a while I make a point of going breaking with my regular routine and going into the city to refuel my creative well. Today was a misty rainy day but that doesn't stop me. I find rain, especially unseasonable warm December rain, refreshing and with a big umbrella an a huge pair of boots I don't mind.

Dick Blick in the Village
My first stop after Grand Central was a quick subway ride down to the Village to Dick Blick art store. Now, I normally buy from this retailer because they have the best online prices anywhere. Unfortunately, their tiny print on the website says that" prices on the website may differ" from  in store prices, so of course that meant that New York store was more expensive. Still, a fully stocked art supply store to an artist is like a candy store with cool supplies beckoning. When preparing this blog I noticed that there is an in store coupon that I could've used. Ah well, next time.

Drawings from the Louvre
Next on the list was the Morgan Library Museum on 36 and Madison. Unfortunately I somehow missed the Ingres exhibit, but there is still a wonderful drawing exhibit with dozens of works drawn by French masters from the Louvre. These drawings are beautifully executed, framed and presented. I particularly was intrigued by the back story behind a portrait by Prud'hon. A brief blurb next to the drawing hinted that the subject was his lover. In the catalog available for reading in the glorious marble room next door, I learned that Prud'hon had an intimate partnership with another artist Constance who eventually committed suicide when he coldly told her he wouldn't marry again. After her death he wouldn't look at her portrait again.

Public House on 41st and Lex
My final stop was lunch with an old high school friend at the Public House. This is a really cool restaurant/bar that must of once been a bank with its double vaulted atrium space. We sat up in the balcony section. Full of food and loaded with an arm full of art supplies I made my way back to Grand Central to catch a train back home

How do you recharge?