Top Ten Picks for Red House Paint!

best red paint color for your housePerfect Red for Painting a Room by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt

Thinking of painting a room red? Here are some great shades of red to try from top interior designers. Red is a great way to add energy to your home decor.

As interior designer Anthony Baratta says in House Beautiful, "Nothing makes me happier than a red lacquered room. Think of candy apples and firecrackers on the Fourth of July. We've done many rooms in red, and they're exciting and cozy at the same time. A red room always keeps the blues away!"

red house paint
Tulip Red: "I prefer the warm, vibrant reds to the historic reds, which are beautiful but sedate. This is a daring red, a real fire engine red. It has a playfulness that reminds me of a little red schoolhouse." -Ruthie Sommers Pictured, Fine Paints of Europe
red house paint
Tuscon Red: "This is a very bricky red. I prefer the warmth of earth tones to the bluer reds, which are trickier — some make me think of nail polish. I'm fine with bluer reds on my toes, but not necessarily on my walls." -Alexa Hampton Pictured, Benjamin Moore
red house paint
Salsa: "Red is the color of excitement, and I tend to go for corally orange reds. With red, you know you've arrived and you glance in the mirror and realize how great you look and breeze right in." -Keith Irvine, Benjamin Moore
red home decor
Ruby Red: "Red is a neutral for me. Like red nail polish, it's classic. It goes with everything. I actually had that Coco Chanel red lacquer nail polish matched, and I painted the floors of my living and dining rooms with it. They're the most fun floors I've ever had." -Alison Spear  Benjamin Moore
red interior paint
Red: "All my life I've pursued the perfect red. I can never get painters to mix it for me. It's exactly as if I'd said "I want Rococo with a spot of Gothic in it and a bit of Buddhist temple" — they have no idea what I'm talking about." -Diana Vreeland  Benjamin Moore
best red wall paint
Moroccan Red: Benjamin Moore recommended by designer Paula Perlini.
red paint
Million Dollar Red: "It's a true, deep red. I like the temperature of it: it's a bit cooler. But a little red goes a long way. It's good in areas where you don't spend much time or in boring areas that need a strong burst of color." -Roderick Shade  Benjamin Moore
red paint
Lattice Red: "Red never goes out of style. It's full of life — always fresh, always fun to wake up to. We go for reds with less blue in them and more orange because they're happier to live with." -William Diamond and Anthony Baratta  Ralph Lauren Paint
red paint
Chili Pepper: "This is a really deep coral, kind of like a cheerful Chinese red. Pinks and reds to me are synonymous with frozen drinks and relaxing." -Richard Mishaan  Benjamin Moore
red house paint
Red is a great color to paint a foyer!

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