watercolor portrait demo of Harvard Business School

Hahvahd, Hahvahd, Rah, rah, rah!
by Miriam Schulman, @schulmanArt
harvard art
Commission a portrait or collect a print!
I got commissioned to paint Harvard Business School from someone looking for a creative graduation gift for her husband. I had a lot of fun painting this stately building... just check out my demonstration... the video is only about 6 minutes long. Of course it took me a LOT longer to paint this.

What do you think makes a good gift for a recent grad?

Facebook Giveaway!
Looking for more Boston scenes? I am giving away an 8x10" print of this downtown Boston scene in my weekly facebook giveaway contest! (you can also buy a print of it from my etsy store)

Looking for a graduation gift? Look at the great finds on etsy today!!