Weekly Card Draw 5/30/17

Finally! We are back with our weekly card draw. This week we get ready to kick of the summer. I have been hard at work revamping my office area so that I can really focus on the website and blog. It's a little scary because this will be the first time that I really decided to go for it and make tarot my full time job - no safety net for me anymore! 

So without further ado, this is how these readings work. Instead of being able to ask a question and get a targeted response think of these more as a general reading for the week ahead, like when you flip the newspaper to the back page to read your horoscope.

You are asked to pick a card from the 3 or 4 that are shown face down (each is numbered), commenting on the one you are drawn to. Then click READ MORE to reveal what the card has to tell you.  Ready?

If you chose #1...

Your card for this week is the Seven of Swords. We see pictured here a black footed ferret who is a member of the weasel family. Often called the "thief card" this little guy indicates some dishonesty in play.

While it is possible that the dishonesty will come from without it is also possible that you are the source. It can be something as innocent as telling a little white lie to protect someones feelings, or not sharing a great idea for fear of it being stolen. 

Sometimes it is OK to be less then totally honest - as long ass you are doing it for the right reasons. If not, that little ferret has razor sharp teeth and things can come back and bite you in the ass! 

If you chose #2... 

Here we see a termite mound in the Outback. Termites build these amazing, bustling communities and lives. But even they are subject to the outside forces of nature. It can happen in an instant and reduce the mound to rubble.

This week something will happen that is totally unexpected and catches you unawares. You have been too content in the way things have been going that you made no preparations. The lesson? Be prepared for anything!

Now is the time to re-evaluate your "disaster" plan. What do you do if you become unemployed tomorrow? Or the car breaks down? Do you have a safety net? Don't try to go it alone though, work with friends and family for support. 

Build that strong foundation now! 

If you chose #3...

Initially looking at this card it looks pretty fantastic, right? Overflowing cups and stunning dragonflies...  But as great as this card looks it does have a downside too...

You are faced with some choices this week, and they all seem pretty good on the surface, making it hard to choose.  Too many choices can be overwhelming and lead you to blindly choose the most appealing looking one.

You can't operate on looks alone though. For example, one of these cups contains lush red cherries. Looks yummy right? But inside each cherry is a pit, and once they are gone you have nothing to show for it. Suddenly not as great a choice... 

​Take the time this week to really weigh pros and cons of choices before just blindly leaping.

If you chose #4...

It's time for a grand adventure! this little grasshopper is just going with his gut, content not to have a specific destination.

The fool is often seen as always the student and never the teacher. What's that mean for you? That you still have a lot to learn, but the best way to do so is to listen to yourself.

Just like the grasshopper trusts his "inner compass" you should take a leap too. It may be in the form of a new job, or taking a risk in your current one. Maybe it is a new relationship that you have been holding back from...   Dream big!

​If you could do, be or have ANYTHING right now, what would it be?

There you have it - advice this week from some of the smaller members of the animal world. Despite their size, they can be responsible for BIG things. Never underestimate the power of taking a single step forward - before you know it you are there! So what do you think? Is the card you chose resonating with you? Let us know in the comments below...