What is your decorating personality?
Boho Bonnie
You are not impressed by a fancy price tag and rather spend the weekend scouring flea markets and etsy for the perfect vintage finds.To complement your boho style, choose mixed media collage art which goes well with large comfy sofas and rumpled cotton slipcovers, mismatched wood furniture painted white or a pale color, accessories with a timeworn appearance, including distressed paint and a mix of floral motifs for fabrics, china, and artwork.
Traditional Tracy
You crave tradition in your life and want to surround yourself with timeless classics. To complement this decorating style look to invest in upholstered seating, wool rugs, and original art.
To enhance a traditional aesthetic you can also add these decorating touches
- Medium to dark woods with a polished finish
- Brass and crystal accents on light fixtures
- Dressmaker details such as tassels and trims
Thoroughly Modern Millie
You are modern through and through and this shows from the clothes you wear to the latest hairstyle. Your fingers tips always are painted with the trendiest shades and you feel most comfortable in rooms that show off your advanced sense of style.
For this look keep your sofa neutral so that you can always refresh with a new set of pillows. Choose art on canvas with sides painted black for a "just from the art gallery" look and feel.
Accessorize with global touches and be sure to mix low and high end items.