When an artist works out...

Fitness Fashion Friday by @schulmanArt Miriam Schulman

Leggings Collection

Working out is such an important part of my weekday routine that I thought I would pause from talking about artsy stuff and talk about my that part of my life instead. My mother was a dancer and for many years taught an exercise class that sort of resembled a cross between modern dance and Jane Fonda. I myself was never thin and didn't inherit her pechant for not eating. I am thinner than Mindy Kahling but heavier than any other celebrity. (poor Mindy- you look great. Really, you do.)

Anyhow, ever since my first child I have been doing some variation of a barre class-- whatever barre class happens to be in business in my neighborhood at the time. I think I have tried them all from Core fusion, to Physique 57 to the Bar Method.... if you don't live near one, you can check out one of the many DVDs. If you have ever tried one of these classes, you will know that this is not your mother's ballet class. (or my mother's modern dance class, or slimnastics, or whatever they used to call exercise for women in the seventies) The thigh exercises alone remind me of natural childbirth.

cute workout clothes for the gym
cute workout clothes for the gym
I have always found that having a great workout outfit keeps me motivated. After all, you spend half the class staring at yourself in a mirror. This year, I decided I would really go all out and let my artsy side shine at the gym. I discovered these really funky brand of fitness wear made by Prismsport which feature bold patterns. I snapped up five pairs of the coolest leggings I could find in my size and then got five black tops from Lululemon in various configurations to wear on top. My hope is that the wild prints distract everyone from the extra 5-10 pounds and the patterns always keep me smiling in the gym.

By the way, my art intern didn't agree with my choice of adding a black top with these leggings and created a few style boards for me to show me how she thinks they should be worn. One of her boards is even going viral on pinterest. What do you think of her combinations?

So tell me, what do you like to wear when you workout? Simple sweatpants or something crazy like me?