Who else wants to win a free art class?

online art classes in watercolor techniques http://schulmanart.blogspot.com/2015/03/who-else-wants-to-win-free-art-class.html

The essence of the way I like to teach watercolor technique is a blend of spontaneity and control. Anyone who has ever taken one of my online art classes, or just watched a free watercolor tutorial online (check out my youtube channel), knows I am a big believer of not fighting watercolor and letting it do its own thing.

Secret Bag of Tricks

In this new online watercolor class, Watercolor Textures, I have brought together my favorite bag of tricks that I incorporate into my landscape paintings over and over again.

One goal I made for this class, is that you will come away with an arsenal of tricks to use in your own paintings. Rather than learn how to copy a painting from start to finish, I want to share all my little secrets that I use in my watercolor paintings for creating textures. This way you will gain the confidence to do your own watercolor landscapes in your own style.

online art classes in watercolor techniques http://schulmanart.blogspot.com/2015/03/who-else-wants-to-win-free-art-class.html

The Secret for finding time to paint

One of my secrets for making time for my art is making it easy to take it with me on the go. So, not only will I teach all my simple tricks for making your watercolor paintings interesting but I will teach how to make this portable sketchbook and watercolor palette. This way, you can take your art with you when you travel or just fit in a little creative "me" time into your busy life. Isn't it about time you focus on you?

online art classes in watercolor techniques http://schulmanart.blogspot.com/2015/03/who-else-wants-to-win-free-art-class.htmlThe focus on this class will be on individuality and self-expression. Of course you will learn lots and lots of watercolor techniques but rather than learning how to copy one painting you will learn techniques for skies, grass, leaves, trees, water, sand, waterfalls and more-- basically many textural elements that you encounter while landscape painting. This course will give you the confidence to create your own landscape painting (or ANY painting) in your own style.
  • Learn how to make your watercolor landscapes interesting by choosing a focal point
  • Master easy tricks for painting leaves
  • Discover easy techniques for adding more textured looks to a watercolor painting
  • Identify the individual artist inside of you by learning techniques you can incorporate into your own paintings in your own way.
  • Build your landscape skills through lots of inspiring photo references and ideas on how to make the painting individual
  • As an additional bonus training, you will learn how to make a no-sew watercolor sketchbook and cheap portable watercolor palette that fits in your bag so you can paint on the go and practice your landscape painting anytime and anywhere

How to Win a Free Art Class

I am so grateful to all of you students and followers (you are awesome) that I am giving away two FREE spots for this watercolor class to two lucky email newsletter subscribers. To make sure I know you want to win, click below and enter your name and email. This will "tag" you as interested in winning a free art class and you will also be getting my inspiring bi-weekly email newsletter full of artsy inspiration, perfect for artists.

Then, come back here and leave a comment to tell me why you want to take this class. 

Finally (this third step is completely optional) I would love if you told your friends about this class. Since you are so awesome, I am sure you have awesome friends too and I would love to have you both win.

Winner will be announced on the blog Monday March 29th. {you can learn more about the Watercolor Textures class at The Inspiration Place → click here to discover more}

So tell me, why do you want to take Watercolor Textures?