0.72 Final Version Available

I am very happy to announce that 0.72 is now available. Here are some of the new features:

  • An important security fix
  • Tons of bug fixes
  • Password protected posts
  • Cursor-aware quicktags (like using a fancy text-editor)
  • Improved API support: full or near full support for the Blogger, MetaWeblog, and MT APIs
  • New template design from Dave Shea
  • New configuration method, no more editing files!
  • New Blogger import
  • Improved upgrade and install scripts.
  • Improved post and edit interface
  • RSS feeds for comments
  • RSS feeds support Conditional GET
  • Improved XHTML auto-formatting
  • Improved Link Manager
  • Geographical data support
  • Improved image upload features
  • Improved calendar
  • Improved smilies function
  • No more invalid characters
  • Increased customizability
  • And more!

As you can see, despite the small version bump there are a huge number of improvements in this version, and it has been tested more extensively than any version so far. It is available for download from Sourceforge or through other methods.